Prepare Final Part - Slide 11

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Blue Berry's POV

It's been a while since I've felt the urge to infect let alone lose control. I think I may have finally returned to normal...well mentally at least. My body's completely different, I wonder how my parents will react. Will they love me still? Will my friends still be my friends? How am I gonna live out my life? I guess I'll have to figure it all out when the time comes.

Bay's POV

I'm...scared. I'm scared of dying or turning into one of those things. I hope no one else turns into a beast. I've grown really close, especially with Faya and Blue. This entire situation made me become really grateful for everything I have, more grateful than before. I'm grateful for my parents, friends, family, hell even for my school. I hope I can see them after this is all over with.

Faya's POV

I'm happy that we're gonna be free from this hellhole. I really want to live my life again like a normal human being. I feel like this entire situation made me feel so many different things but I feel like it matured me to be strong and brave for others.

Lui's POV

I've lost so many people due to this damn situation and now I lost my best friend. I don't wanna lose any more of these people. They're all trying their hardest to live and make it through this. I will make sure that I protect my friends and family even more in the future. If I turn into one of those things...I'll make sure I won't hurt a single person from there on out. I hope we make it through this.

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