Day 5 - Slide 7

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Blue Berry's POV:

After sleeping for a bit I wake up in the tree room by myself and look around. I look at myself to see that I'm still covered in the goo by luckily in control. "Ok, good." I say to myself taking a deep breath. I try to get up and fall back down not used to using my new feet and legs. "O-ok. I can do this." I say to reassure myself. I try getting up again and lean on the wall to try and balance myself. After doing so, I walk to the door to go to the other survivors. "Bay!" I call out to him running out to make sure I'm ok. "Yeah? Oh, your body is it again.." He says. "Y-yeah. I know. It's really hard to be like this." I respond still trying to walk. I finally regain control of my legs and fully balance myself and start walking normally with my new legs. "O-ok, it feels weird but I think I can get used to this." I say. "Not gonna lie you look cool with those legs and arms." Bay says to make me feel a bit better. Finally, after a while, I return to Faya, Boy Bless, and the others and sit down and talk to Faya.

Boy's POV

Bless and I get up as Blue Berry and Bay come in. "Hey, Bless and I are gonna go to the kitchen since he's hungry." I say to everyone else in the room. "Okay, be safe, and come back quickly." Bay says staying by Blue Berry keeping him company. Bless and I wave to them as we run to the kitchen and look for some food. "I'll stay here and keep watch. Try and be quick while getting your food." I say standing by the door. "Ok. Thanks." He says gratefully. After a couple of minutes, he grabs about 7 fruits and quickly eats them and we start walking back. "Hnng..." Bless groans. I stop and ask, "You ok?" I ask. "I think I ate a bit too much." He says and suddenly coughs up a mint color goo. "W-what the hell?! Bless are you okay?-" I ask right before he drops to his knees and starts puking tons of the mint-colored goo. I back up, "B-bless?! Oh my god!" I say from seeing how much stuff he was throwing up. "M-my hurts so much..." He says in pain. I try and help him but before I could, I see mint goo starting to cover his body. "B-bless?!" I say starting to back up in fear from what I was witnessing. In seconds he was completely covered in goo with dark mint green colored stripes and pink lines on his hands and feet. His hands were huge with sharp claws and has 3 horn-type appendages on his head, with 4 wings on his back the same color as his horns and dark greenish stripes. "W-what the hell?!" I say in fear. He suddenly looks and me and leaps and grabs me and with me in his grasp flys to the roof of the crystal cave. "H-HOLY FUCK!" I see in horror seeing nothing but about a 30 feet fall. "D-DUDE LET GO!" I try to struggle but his grasp is too strong. He lets go of me making me grab his claw in desperation of not falling. "H-HELP! HOLY SHIT!" I say holding on for my life. With his other hand, he slashes the hand I'm using to hold on making me fall. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yell before hitting the ground. "O-oh my f-fuck..." I say in shock of how I lived the fall. I start crawling and hear the creature who was my friend land on the ground and walk towards me. I yell one last time in hopes of someone coming to my aid, "H-help!" I say before being interrupted by the creature going on top of me and aligning its mouth to my neck. I close my eyes. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Faya yells making me and the creature lookup. "FAYA!" I say before she runs and punches the creature off of me. "Dude get up!" She yells. "I-I can't...he dropped me from the roof..." I say trying to crawl away. "Ok, Blue Berry should be coming." She says continuing to fend the creature off. After a minute Blue Berry runs into the room and sees me on the floor. "What the hell?! Where's Bless?!" He asks. "Bless is...that thing..." I say. As soon as I say that Blue Berry looks at the creature and falls to his knees holding his head. "Blue Berry?" I ask in concern. He starts groaning and then looks at me not looking like himself. "Blu-" Before I can finish he gets on top of me and starts trying to cover my body with some liquid. "AGH-" I scream as I try and push his face away. "F-Faya!" I scream for help. She looks at Blue Berry on top of me and rushes to help get him off. "Blue Berry! What the hell?!" She screams while trying to keep him off of me, and then rushes back to fend off the other creature. "Sorry Blue." I say before punching him off of me. He then shakes his head and then looks at me in confusion. "I-I'm sorry!" He says backing away from me. "I-it's ok, just help me get to the room please." I say. He nods and carefully picks me up to not hurt me and runs to the rooms with me finally sitting me down on the floor.

Faya's POV

I keep punching the creature on top of it holding its neck down with my hand. "Bitch!" I scream before hitting it making it whine in pain. It then scratches my hand and backs off into a corner holding its stomach where I was punching it. I get up and gasp for breath exhausted from hitting it so many times. "H-holy-" I say before being jumped on by the creature and it trying to bite me angrily. "G-get off!" I try pushing it off and fail as it holds my arm with its hand. "You fucking piece of- AGHH!" I scream as it violently bites my arm making me bleed. It then holds both my arms finally catching its breath. "My fucking arm! Jesus..." I whine as it finally starts to cover my feet with the liquid. "N-NO! I headbutt it making it whine finally letting me go. "Fucking bitch..." I say getting up and running for it. I hear it flying towards me due to the noise of the flapping wings. Right as I step into the flooded area it pins me in the water. "AHH- I CAN'T- BR-" I scream in separate breaths as I try and get it off. It gets off of me and quickly drags me out of the water to make sure I don't drown. "GET OFF!" I try to kick it but it holds my legs at an incredible force. It proceeds to hold my hands down and begin to cover my feet in the liquid. "HELP! PLEASE! BAY, BOY, BLUE, ANYONE PLEASE!" I scream. I start crying in horror, "OH MY GOD, HELP PLEASE!" I scream and start trying to wiggle out of its grasp to make it harder for the goo to cover my legs, but it luckily slows the goo. "HELP!" I cry out. Bay finally comes out and kicks the monster off of me and drags me into the room and quickly blocks the door. "Are you ok?!" He asks before seeing the goo fall off of me. "How are you not one of them?!" He asks in fear. "I don't know! Just please don't let it in!" I say in horror.

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