Control - Slide 5

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Bay's POV:

Hours have passed since me and Faya got up and started trying to clear out the entire place. But unluckily there was nothing left to search for that we could find. "So that's it? We're stuck in this place until we die or turn into one of those things?!" Faya asks. "There has to be an exit somewhere. Where else could we have gotten put in from?" I say to reassure her. "Ok..." She says to me and herself. "Either way we should head back." I say. She nods and we start walking back. I look down, "I can't believe he might be one of those things..." I say. "Who knows...maybe it's its own weird way." She says. "Hopefully." I reply and smile. "So-" Faya was about to say something until she stopped in her tracks from looking at the creature in front of both me and her. "Shit...Faya, you need to run now..." I say paying attention to the beast in front of us. " careful." She says backing out of the room. I try to slowly back out of the room with her and before I can it runs towards me and grabs me. I quickly put my feet on the door and push on it with all my strength making the beast and me fall and it letting me go. I scream in pain as the beast falls on my hand breaking bones. "AHHHH! FUCK!" I scream in pain. I pull my hand from out of the beast's weight and back into a corner as I tear up from the pain and fear. The beast gets up and slowly walks towards me and suddenly stops.

Blue Berry's POV:

I saw Bay in the corner scared and in pain and that made something in me snap. I look at my hands and body finally back in control of it again. I slowly grab the goo merged to my chest and rip it off and scream in pain and fall to my knees. "W-what?" Bay asks confused. I start ripping more and more of the goo off wailing in pain and tearing up. No matter what I did the goo kept coming back and I could feel my grip on my humanity slip away more and more. I kept ripping off the goo but kept getting weaker and weaker because of the pain. For a few seconds, my control went away and I started trying to get Bay who closed his eyes and shielded himself with his hand. I got my control back for the last time and instantly started ripping off the goo even faster but instead of going slower and slower the pain each time I ripped some off I ripped some more off even faster. Bay got closer to me and started to help rip it off. Luckily after a minute, we took off most of the latex on my head. I lay on the floor and finally took full control of my body and started to cry from not being able to control my body. Bay comes next to me and sits me up and hugs me to comfort me. All I can do is cry.

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