Bay and Faya - Slide 4

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Bay's POV

"Have any of you guys seen Blue Berry?!" I ask in desperation of finding him. Everyone says no. "O-okay I'm gonna go find him. All of you stay safe." Before I could walk off Faya stops me. "Hey...I'm going with you." She says. "What? No, you need to stay-" Before I could finish she interrupts. "I wasn't asking. I was telling." She says. "Fine." I say in defeat. Faya and I go outside to find Blue Berry. "So where do you think he is?" Faya asks. "Is that an actual question? I reply. "I asked first." Faya says. "I don't know. Maybe he escaped?" I say. "So he abandoned us?" She asks. "No. He wouldn't do that. I trust him." I say. "You barely know the guy." She says. I look towards her and say, "Same exact thing for you." I say annoyed. We enter the kitchen. "I'll look in the dining area. You look everywhere else." I say. She nods. After a while, she calls me. "Dude you might wanna see this." She shouts. I rush over there in hope to find Blue Berry. "Is he here?" I ask. "No, but there's some blue stuff on the floor here." She replies. "Oh. Looks weird." I say. She touches it and it slowly spreads on her finger. "What the hell?!" She shouts as she wipes the goo away. "You ok?" I ask. She nods and we quickly exit the room. Throughout the day we search the tree room, the room where we all woke up, and a brand new room a cave-like room with tons of crystals. "Dude...he probably escaped." Faya said in a tired breath. " He was just there helping us inside." I respond. I look down saddened. "Hey, who knows. Maybe he came back to the group." Faya says. We both run back to the room with everyone else but do not see Blue Berry. "Nope...he's not here." I say sitting down. "At least you tried." Faya says. "We should sleep. I'll be the lookout for tonight." Faya says. I nod and lay down.


Faya's POV

After switching lookout throughout the night with Boy I finally go to sleep and wake up a few hours later. I stretch and get up and head outside and get back to exploring the weird place. "Okay, I'll explore the cave area." I say to myself. I search all the crystals along with all lockers scattered throughout the entire place. Nothing but random letters, pictures, and pencils. "Damn nothing? Where else?" Before I can continue I feel something wrap its arms around me and I quickly look behind me to see a grey and black creature with yellow and red eyes. "OH SHIT!" I shout before head butting the creature and run away from it and turn around. It looks at me and its eyes go from yellow and red to just red and runs full speed at me. I quickly jump out of the way and grab a rock and throw it at the creature and it looks at me with a pissed-off expression and leaps on top of me with its knee on my neck. "Agh-..get off!" I say while trying to catch my breath. I grab some dirt and throw it in its eyes. When it backs off I see the necklace the guy I threw out of the room a couple of days ago fall from its neck. "W-what?" I say in shock. "It's...him?" I ask myself. I quickly snap back to reality and jump out of the way when it jumps towards me. I run away and go back to Bay and the others. "BAY!" I shout. Bay runs towards me. "Yeah what happened?!" He asks startled. "T-those things. I think...those things are people." I say trying to catch my breath. "What? Those creatures?!" He asks. "Yeah. Remember that guy I threw out of the room a couple of days ago?" I ask. "Yeah?" He responds. "I just fought a creature that was black and grey with yellow and red eyes with his same dog collar necklace." I say. "Oh, shit..." He says. I start tearing up from the guilt of basically killing the guy I threw out. "I'm sorry. I should have never done that to that poor guy." I say crying. "It's ok. As long as you feel guilt for it, it means you have a soul." He says as he pats my back. I and Bay go to sleep since we all searched everything.

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