The Ambush - Slide 8

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Faya's POV

Not even a minute after I am inside the room the same creature from before breaks it missing just me and Bay and going after a random survivor behind us. "EVERYONE RUN, BLUE, TAKE BOY AND GET OUT!" He screams as Blue Berry grabs Boy and runs away with him. The creature gets the poor person and quickly transforms them or a more suitable word, transfurs them. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Bay and I scream in terror and we both get up open the door and help Ashton, Reddie, Charles, as I watch Lollie get pinned to the floor by the creature. "SHIT! BAY HELP THE OTHERS ESCAPE!" He nods and gets the others to a safe room as I rush to Lollie and elbow the monster on her. "GO WITH BAY AND LEAVE!" I scream as I shove her outside. I see another poor person get pinned by the panther-looking creature and get transfured into another one. "Oh my god..." I say as I hide from both inside a nearby closet since I'm too far from the exit. The panther comes by the locker and crouches down and looks inside the locker I'm in. "Please...don't look in here." I say in my head. It comes closer and sees me inside. It then tilts its head and slowly opens the locker. I then rush out pushing it against the wall. It growls and then pins me to the floor with the other holding my legs down. "FUCK!" I scream as it begins to try and turn me. It stops and tilts its head in confusion from the goo somehow falling off. The panther gets its claws and starts trying to kill me. I luckily kick it away from me and get up and run out of the room. I then yell for Bay and he responds, "WE'RE OVER IN THE TREE ROOM!" He yells. I quickly run over and block the door. "H-holy fuck..." I say out of breath. I look up and instead of seeing about 11 people now I only see 7 of us in the room in fear and shock of what happened. "What? I only saw two people get turned into one of them..." I say. "The other one did they turned into that flying one." He replies. I look down saddened by the people we lost. "We need to be very careful. Losing another person can easily result in all of us being turned into those things." I say. "Agreed. I think the first thing we need to do is count how many there are." He says. "I saw four. Blue saw another and the other person who got turned. So that makes six." I say. "Shit." He says. All of a sudden we hear water splashing a few times down the hallway. "Hnng...please..." Blue Berry groans. Me, Bay, and Boy look to Blue, and Bay walks over to him. "You ok?" Bay asks concerned. "G-get away...I'm gonna lose control...again..." He says before lashing at Bay. "B-blue!" Bay says as Blue jumps on him. Blue holds down his arms and tries to turn Bay. "Blue!" I shout running and holding him by his stomach. Blue growls at me quickly turning around and holding me down. "B-blue! Control yourself!" I shout at him. He continues trying to struggle to hold me down. Bay helps me hold him and ties him to the tree. "Blue, please!" Bay shouts. Blue continues to growl but then something unexpected happens. Blue starts to cry while trying to get us still. " it him crying?" I ask. "I-I think." Bay replies. Blue finally comes back and keeps on crying. "I-I'm scared...I don't wanna hurt you." Blue Berry says horrified. "You're not. We'll all make sure." Bay says to comfort him. "BAY!" I shout as one of the panthers busts threw the door and stares at Boy. "Oooh shit..." Boy says. The panther pounces on Boy and holds him down. "JUST RUN!" Boy yells. "No! I'm not leaving you!" I scream and run to him. I pull the panther off of him and hold it to the ground with my knee on its neck. "How does it feel bitch?!" I yell. The panther coughs and grabs my leg and bites it. "AGH! FUCK!" I scream and kick it making it growl and pounce on me. I punch its stomach but it does nothing to it. It holds my head down with its hand and my throat and holds my arm with its other hand. "A-agh, I can't b-breath..." I say coughing. It grabs me by my legs and drags me away from the others. "AHHHHHHHH!" I scream. "FAYA!" I hear Boy, Bay, and Blue Berry yell.

Ashton's POV

I haven't known any one of these people for too long but I still care for them. That girl just got taken by that creature. "H-holy fuck!" I yell after seeing that girl being taken. "W-we have to go and get her!" I yell to the others. "Have you seen the other creatures out there?! Trying to go out there would be a suicide mission!" Boy yells. After standing still and thinking I tell everyone, "Fine. I'm going over there to save her myself. If I don't come back then I'm dead or one of them." I say a bit scared. "What?! Don't!" Bay says still taking care of Blue Berry. "I have to try!" I say before running off to get Faya. After what felt like hours I finally go to the only room I haven't searched. I look everywhere, every locker, every room, everything you could think of. I finally go into the last part of the room I haven't searched. "Faya?" I whisper. "You here?" I ask. I look inside the lockers but then hear the door closed and turn around. "H-hello?!" I yelp. I try opening the door again but it won't budge. "Fuck!" I yell. "Open dam-" I get cut off from being grabbed from behind by a creature grabbing me. "Hey! L-let go!" I yelp as I look up to see a creature wearing some sort of visor. I scream in terror and start trying to struggle but the creature is way too strong. The creature grabs a visor and starts trying to put it on as I struggle to keep it off. "P-please don't!" I cry out. Despite my efforts, it manages to put the mask on and finally lets me go. "A-AGH!" I yell trying to get it off. As I try pulling it off, I feel wires go into my skin and skull, and my brain, "AGHHHHH! OH MY GOD, IT HURTS!" I scream in utter pain dropping to my knees. I continually try to pull it off only making it hurt more as I feel more wires go in my head and brain and my back and spine. "OH MY GOD! PLEASE!" I yell even more in dropping to the floor continuing to try to pull it off. I feel a final drill from the mask drill into my head and insert my brain and insert wires in it. "AGHHHHH! HOLY FUCK!" I scream in horror as I feel the drill go all the way into my brain. The mask powers on switching my vision to the visor itself also making the pain go away instantly. "W-what?! Please." I beg. I see my body get covered by white goo and feel 2 ears grow on my head. "O-oh my god..." I say to myself. I get fully covered and the creature walks towards and looks at me and does something to my visor that makes my thought process change and fully turn into a Latex Beast.

End of Ashton

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