Transfured - Slide 3

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Blue Berry's POV

I wake up covered in sweat. "W-What-" I say before being interrupted by Bay. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nod and get up and look around for the other guy from last night. "Did that guy ever come back?" I ask in concern. "No. He never even came here." I look down saddened. "You know. That was really nice of you to go and try and save him. Honestly, I would have been too spooked to even step out there. I smile, "Yeah. Hey, I'm gonna go try and speak to the other survivors." I say. He nods and walks away. I walk towards a guy with red hair and say hi. "Oh, hey. You're Blue Berry, right?" He asks. "Yeah. Yours?" I reply. "Reddie. I know my name is dumb." They say laughing. "Oh, it's cool." I reply. He smiles, "Thanks." I smile. I walk away and go to the next person. "Hey." I say. "Oh, hey! Blue Berry right? I'm Boy." He impatiently shakes my hand as I chuckle. "Oh, nice to meet you." I reply. "You too!" I walk away. He seems nice, I smile to myself. I go to another guy. "Hey." I say. "Oh hey, my name is Bless." He says. "Oh hey. Blue berry's my name." I reply. "Nice to meet you, Blue Berry." He says. I get up and walk to the next person. After a while, I finally meet all the 10 people in the room. So there is Bay, Ashton, Bless, Boy, Charles, Culton, Faya, Julian, Kay, and Reddie. "Hm, strange..." I say. "What.?" Bay asks. "All of us are males. Why aren't there any females?" I ask. "That is a bit weird..." Bay says. "Let's just try and get out of here." I say. He nods and tells everyone to get up. We all leave the tree room and start walking past the flooded area and go into the main area. "This is strange..." I say to myself. We all enter a kitchen area and all tables and food on it. "Hey Bay..." I say. "Yeah?" He asks. "Why is there food? Like prepared?" I asked. "Exactly what I was thinking. Let's make sure it's good." I nod. After a few minutes, we check all plates of food. "It looks good, nothing is wrong with it," I say. "I guess...let's eat!" Bay shouts.

After maybe around 40 minutes we ate all of the food since we haven't eaten in days. "It was good." I say. We all get up and finally start heading back to the tree room when I hear huge footsteps coming towards all of us. "EVERYONE FOLLOW ME AND RUN!" I shout in fear. We all run through the flooded area and go to a room that continues into another room. I help everyone go into the room and I make sure everyone is inside. "Ok, block the door! I'm coming in!" I say. I start to get in the room but before I can I get grabbed by my shirt. "H-HEY-" I look up and see the same blue creature from yesterday. "HEL-" I try screaming for help but I get interrupted by the creature putting its hand over my mouth. I get dragged back through the flooded area into a locker room. It finally takes its handoff letting me scream. "HELP, PLEASE-" Before I could continue I feel some liquid climb up my body and reach my head. I can't even talk or even move my body.  I look down and see my body turn into the same type of body that the creature has. I feel my eyes tear up from fear of turning into one of the creatures. It finally stops biting my neck and lets go of me making me drop to my knees. "W-wha..." I see my hands, they're now huge with large claws. I am now blue and have a light blue underbelly. "P-please..." I feel my mouth and teeth with my fingers, they are now sharp and my tongue is now a cyan color along with my salvia. I feel 4 ear types of things on the side of my head and I look into my reflection of the locker. My eyes are now a harsh pink and yellow exactly like the creatures. Soon after my head feels numb and I lose control over my entire body.

Reddie's POV

"I'm still pissed at the Faya girl..." I say to Bless. "I know. That poor kid." Bless says in response to me. "We just need to hold out and live." Bless says to boost my confidence. I nod and we both lay down to finally get some rest. "Goodnight..." I say before closing my eyes and falling asleep almost instantly from exhaustion.

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