~*Chapter 2*~

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AN:I realize some of the point of view are really short sorry.

*Harry's POV*
It's been about about hour and half when my doorbell rings. I drop my controller where Niall and I were playing Xbox, my breathing picks up and I start hyperventilating. "Haz,Haz calm down and breath. If Louis sees you having a panic attack he's gonna know something's up. Just calm down and breath everything will be ok. I'm gonna go get the door while you get your breathing back to normal." Niall says as he leaves the living room.

Ok I can do this. Within seconds I have a beautiful brown haired blue eyed angel jumping on my lap. Really of all places he could of sat he had to sit on my lap? I can feel my self already starting to get hard. "Well hello to you to "I laugh. "I missed you so much Hazza!" Louis says " I missed you too but I've gotta use the loo" I tell him pushing him off and rushing down the hallway to take care of my problem.

*Louis POV*
"I missed you so much Hazza!" I tell him  "I missed you too but I've gotta go to use the loo."He says pushing me out of his lap and getting up and pretty much running down the hall. Leaving me dumbfounded Niall, Liam and Zayn come to the living room just after Harry went out.

"Where's Harry?" Zayn ask as he sits on Liam's Lap. "He said he had to go to loo but I don't know he did it rather weirdly." I answer "Niall is something wrong?" I ask "No, not that I know of." Niall answers "Niall I can tell when you're lying. Now what's wrong with my Hazza?" I ask seeing Niall gulp.

"Niall tell me now!" I threaten. "Ok ok gosh. I promised him I wouldn't tell so you can't say anything. Ok?" He asked "Ok" Niall gulps and says all it is, is he's worried about fashion week next month. He didn't want me to tell you because ,He didn't want me to worry you guys." I could tell Niall wasn't telling the complete truth but decided to leave it. Maybe he'd come to me later to talk about it.

I hear Harry coming back down the hallway. "Hey guys!" He says "Hey" we all say in unison. "Hey Harry " Zayn says getting his attention. "First I wanna say don't get mad at Niall, Louis pretty much pulled it out of him." Zayn says I see Harry's breath start to pickup. "He told us you're nervous about fashion week," Zayn says. "Huh? Oh yeah I am." Harry answers his breathing calming down. "Harry....you,me,and Niall are in this modeling thing together please don't hide shit like that from us we're you're friends. And Liam and Louis may not be models. Even though I know Liam is sexy enough to be one." He says with wink. "They've been in the business long enough to know how stressful it can be."He says " Thanks Zayn l don't what I'd do without you guys."

"Well boys what are we doing tonight?" I ask "Well I'm sure you and Liam who I'm glad didn't get thrown out of a plane. I'm sure you all still have jet lag. So what'd you say about some fifa and few a movies?" Harry ask "That's fine by me" I tell him.

*Harry POV*
"Nialler will you help me get snacks and beer? While these guys set up the Xbox." I ask "Sure"he says pushing himself off the couch. "Oh my gosh Niall, I about had a legit heart attack" I tell him. "I thought you told Louis," I say.

"Harry I told you I wouldn't tell him, and fashion week was the first thing that popped in my head cause dude he was more or less threatening me if I wouldn't tell him." He says making me laugh.

"Ok I'll get some candy and stuff from the pantry I'm gonna pop the popcorn,"I tell him."I'll do the popcorn" he argues.  "No I'll do it,"I tell him. "Why do you wanna pop popcorn so badly?" He ask. "Because" I blow. "Because why?"he ask. "Fook Niall because I know how Louis wants his popcorn,Happy?" I wisper/yell. "Ecstatic" he smirks "You're an arsehole." I tell him making him laugh. I get the paprika, garlic powder and onion powder from the spice cabinet along with salt. Niall comes out of the pantry as I'm finishing the mix for mine and Louis' popcorn. "I don't know how you two eat popcorn like that." He says snarling his nose. I just shrug picking up the two bowls of popcorn.

As we walk back to living room we hear Louis and Zayn fighting over fifa. "He cheated!" Zayn yells at Louis. "Dude it's video game it's pretty hard to cheat. It's not my fault you suck." Louis laughs earning a glare from Liam.

"Ok boys calm down. And Louis no offense but I've seen Zayn beat you pleanty of times." I tell him with smirk. "Louis what time do you have to go to airport in the morning?" I hear Liam ask. "Huh why are you going to the airport?" I ask confused.

"Oh I have to pick up El. She would have come today but she had a couple of scenes left to shoot on her latest movie." He tells us. Making my stomach drop. But to answer your question Payno her flight gets here at one." I cough trying my best to push back the tears. Cause Elenore is a sweet girl, it just hurts that she has something that I'll never have AKA the most beautiful, most caring and sweetest person ever to walk the earth."Harry you ok mate?" Zayn ask shaking me out my  of thoughts. "Oh yeah I didn't sleep good last night,"I lie. "Well Hazza since Zayn here can't beat me get over here and let's see if you can," He says as he hands me controller.

I've been kinda out of it all night I couldn't focus no matter how hard I tried. We played a couple of rounds of fifa which Niall and Zayn threw in Louis face that they won. Making Liam and I just laugh shaking our head. And after watching Toy Story which Zayn made us watch because it's Liam's favorite movie.

It was getting late so all the boys were getting ready to go home."NO!" I hear Liam yell. Making me turn toward him in confusion. What makes me more confused is he yelled at Zayn. "Ok" I understand Liam tells Zayn as Zayn leans in whispering something in his ear then kissing him deeply.

"What going on?" I ask "I'm spending the night,"Zayn answers. "Ok fine by me but don't you wanna be with Liam though? I ask him confused. "He'll be ok I'll make it up to him tomorrow night."he says with a wink. Which makes Liam turn red. "Ok lads well we'll see you tomorrow come on Payno. And no pouting I had enough of that in Italy. So if you don't want me to kick your arse let Zayn stay here and come on." Louis says rolling his eyes. Making all of us laugh except Liam. As soon as the door shuts behind Louis and Liam, Zayn looks at me. "Ok I'm not stupid so what the fook is going on?" He ask making mine and Niall's eyes go wide.

AN:Please vote and leave feedback I love to hear your comments

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