~*Chapter 12*~

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*Harry POV*
In a way I feel awful I've missed like 5 calls from Louis plus several text and Snapchats. He's also tried to call Niall but we're listening to Liam neither of us answered. "You all ready" I hear Liam holler. "Yeah we're coming." I holler back as I picked up my phone and keys. Gosh I wanna call Louis so bad! But hopefully everything will workout.

"So lads are we going to the pool table place or do you all wanna get some food first?" Liam ask as we pull out of the driveway. "Whichever's fine" we all answer in unison. "Ok well I guess we'll go get the pool table out of the way, then we'll go get something to eat. That sound ok? He ask grabbing Zayn's hand intertwining their fingers. We all nod telling him that sounds like plan when my phone dings. "Liam, it's Lou what do I do? He's been calling all morning." I ask.

"Harry the fact that he can't stop calling you is a good sign. Also Zayn thought of something last night if you don't wanna do it you don't have to of course but I do think it's a good idea." He tells me looking at me through the rear view mirror. "Like I said what do I have to loose?" I ask "Well we all leave for fashion week tomorrow. And I know when we take Louis' jet somewhere he all ways comes and get you. But this time let Ashton bring you to the airport." He says with smirk. Making me choke on air. "Like I said Haz you don't have to if your not comfortable." He assures me. "No no it's just different and as weird as it sounds it's a big step." I tell him as we pull into a place that says "Greatest pool table's since 2010."

*Niall POV*
"So what color felt are you getting?" I ask throwing my arm over his shoulder. "Just the regular green. I don't want them spending money on me." Harry tells me when all of sudden. Liam turns toward Harry and I . "Harry you are not just getting plain green! And I mean it. The way I look at it Zayn and I did you a favor messing up the felt. It was always to plain for you. Now I'm paying but I will not pay for something plain. Understand?" Liam ask. Making us all laugh and shake our heads.

"Haz we've been here for like an hour. Just pick one" I tell him as he's looking through a book with different felts in it. "Ok gosh I guess this o..." he starts to say. "NO! Sorry sorry he'll take this one" I say grabbing a swatch from where I was looking. When I show it to him his eyes sparkle. The felt's blue then fades to green.

It just looks like Harry

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It just looks like Harry. The guy that was helping Harry looks to Liam. "Haz Niall's right I can see this in your house. What'd ya think?" He ask Harry. "I mean yeah it's beautiful but I don't want you spending that much on me,"He says running his hand over the soft felt. "Harry shut up!" Liam growls. "Sir we'll do this one. But we go out of town tomorrow,"Liam says. "Well I have an opening at 5:00pm today so I can do it then I just need your address Mr.Styles if that's ok? The worker ask. " Sure" Harry says giving him his information.

*Liam's POV*
"So where are w...." I start to ask when Harry tackles me. We both almost fall onto concrete . "Li, Liam you didn't have to that,"He hugs me. "I know I didn't have to I wanted to. Plus look at it this way where do we all ways play pool?" I ask "Exactly, your and Niall's house so I got it for all of us," I tell him. "Liam's right but if you don't get your hands off my man the Bradford bad boy is gonna be kicking some arse." Zayn says making Harry raise his hands showing they we're off.

"Gosh Zaynie so possessive. It's sexy." I whisper in his ear so none of the other boys can hear me. "Oh yeah Harry?"I say getting his attention. "I didn't buy it Ashton did,"I tell him giving him and Ashton a wink. "Well thanks Ashton,"Harry plays along. "Anytime" Ashton continues the joke. "Ok before I got tackled I was trying to see where you all wanna go to eat. And no Niall we're not going to Nadoes' " I laugh shaking my head we get in the car,I can see Niall pouting from the corner of my eye.

*Harry POV*
We finally settle on local diner after eating we go hang out at the park for a couple of hours so we could take some pictures. As we pull up to my driveway. I see a mad Louis setting on the boot of his car. "Um Li, Louis' here,"I say panicked. "Just calm down I see him. Just act natural,"He tells me as we pull up. "Where the fook have you all been all day!?" He ask clearly not happy. "What do you mean we just went out?" I ask innocently. "I've been calling and texting you all day, and none of you could reply to a even a bloody text?"He says as the pool table company pulls up. "Who's that?" He ask

"Ashton saw the stain on the pool table and he paid to have the felt changed. I tried to talk him out of it but he wouldn't listen,"I tell him throwing my arm around Ashton. "Oh well I'm get going I gotta finished packing. I'll pick you up at 10:00am the jet leaves at 11:00am,"He says. "Um Lou I'll meet you at the airport Ashton already offered to come by and get me." I tell him, stopping him from getting in the car.

"Oh ok yeah that's fine, I'll see you all in the morning." He says before telling everyone else bye and leaving. "Oh my gosh I think I just had a mini heart attack" I joke wiping the sweat from my forehead. "Harry that was awesome" Zayn and Liam both say. "Did you see his face? If he doesn't like you too then you can kick Liam in the nuts." Zayn laughs making Liam's head shoot up. "Don't look so worried baby. I like what you have to offer to much to gamble it away,"He winks at Liam. "But with this I'm at least 98% sure he feels the same."

AN:Please vote and leave feedback I love to hear your comments

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