Chapter 2

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It had been about a week since I first went to school. Now it was the second week and I had yet, still not seen a boy that I thought was cute. I thought it was quite strange and I was thinking about it when I heard some voices from outside my door.

"Oh is this your new sisters room," some person who sound very stupid said.

"Dick, shut up," said another.

"Whatever you say beaver," Dick (I think) said to beaver.

"Aright guys can we stop hanging around the living dead's room," said Logan.

"It's ok I bet she hasn't come out in ages, I would be embarrassed too if I were her," said Dick.

"Just shut up everyone, please follow me," said Duncan. I could hear some of them walking over to Duncan's room, but I heard a stray foot.

It was Logan he was staring at where Lilly had been hit. I could see him through the window in my bedroom. As much as I wanted to sit and watch him I didn't want him to see me so I went to get a skateboard.

I walked over by the entrance of the back of the house. Logan twists and sees me standing there. At first I thought he looked pretty chill, but when he saw me he just looked sad.

"Sorry," I said picking up my skateboard very subtly.

"It's ok, you know at first I thought you were her," Logan said looking teary eyed. I look down at my shoes. I feel bad for walking out here, but I don't have a car and I was rolled that I was banished from the house whenever Duncan has friends over.

"Sorry," I say again looking Logan this time. He doesn't seem to hate me as much as before which is a score, but it's also heartbreaking to see someone so sad over someone who tore their heart out.

That's right, Logan Echolls, son of the movie star Arron Echolls, girlfriend (Lilly, Duncan's sisters) was suspiciously murdered by some guy who I don't even know the name of. Apparently he was found with the clothes of Lilly, though he just didn't seem like the guy.

I got on my skateboard and rode away hoping that the tension would go away. I actually made some friends at school and was going over to see them. Yes, Wallace And Mac, to extremely cool people that I am lucky to have met.

Later I come back home, Mr. Kane is making dinner a sight I never thought I would see.

"Oh, y/n is nice to see you the boys are in the dinning room why don't you go sit with them I'll be their in a minute.

"Oh I'm ok, I already had dinner I'm just going to go upstairs," I said trying to get out of eating with them even though I was so hungry. Worst timing ever though my stomach growls and Mr. Kane gives me a look. I find it sad because he wants to be a good Dad yet he just keeps on losing it.

I walk over to the dining room with all eyes on me. I sit a seat away from Duncan and across who I would think it Beaver.

"Wow, you never tolled me the vampire was hot," Dick said verifying who she was.

"Shut up Dick your gonna make her uncomfortable," Beaver said, I didn't buy his act though he gave me some sketchy vibes.

"Alright everyone dinner is served," says Mr. Kane as he walks in with the food. It looks not very good, but I was starving so I was so excited. Mr. Kane notices that I'm being stared at though and well does the worst thing possible he addresses the situation.

"Look I know it may be a little awkward with y/n, I know you were all close to Lilly," he chokes on his words "but y/n is here to stay and so you should at least try to be normal around them."

He looks over and gives me a verifying nod which I return with a half smile trying not to make things so weird. Sitting across from me is Logan and all he did through the entire rest of the donning was stare at me. I couldn't tell whether I should back so I just focused on eating the food and then left as soon as possible.

Since this was the second encounter it wasn't that terrible though I still hate the fact that I am enemies with anyone. I have already made plenty of them in the system of course and I don't need more coming after me.

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