Chapter 4

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"You called." I walked over to Weevil a slight smirk on my face.

"Yeah, I needed your help. You know how your staying in Lilly's place and what not."

"Eli, your not telling me to do something shady are you?" I asked with a sarcastic tone in my voice.

"Now why would I do that, I simply want you to find something for me," he said amused. We had met at a discreet location. A old power plant, he told me no one came out here so we should be good.

"So what is this thing I'm looking for and where can I find it."

"Straight to the point I like that. Well Lilly had a lot of hiding places, maybe in the vent. She only had one in her room."

"I've already checked there before, it can't be there."

"Why are you checking there?" Weevil asked a little perplexed.

"Hey if you tell me why you want something of Lilly's than I'll tell you why Ive been snooping."

"Deal," he said holding out his hand to shake on it.

"There were video tapes, they were to banged up to see what was on them. I gave them to Duncan. If you ask about them I'll murder you by the way."

Weevil stood there still, "Me and Lilly were hooking up."

"What, but she was with Logan," I said perplexed as heck.

"Please Logan treated her like shit and besides me and her we were... in love."

I want to say something sarcastic, but he looks so sad so I just say, "what are you looking for."

"A ring, it may be in the floor. You know how in movies they hide stuff in hardwood floors. That's where it gotta be."

"You must have really loved her to propose," I said in astonishment.

"Yeah well things happen ok. Hey and just because I'm coming for favors does not mean we're friends."

"You got it Eli." I walk away.

I kept the screw driver thinking it would come in handy and boy did it. I shoved the bed over to find one floorboard a little out of place. I try to yank it up with everything I got.

"What are you doing cowboy," says Logan entering the room.

"Something sketchy," I replied.

"Here I got that for you," he says taking the screw driver.

"Oh it's fine, I'm just trying to find a place to hide things, but since your here I'm gonna have to relocate.

"Fine, hide your findings from me your pirate, but just know one day I will have my revenge," Logan walks off with a cute smile on his face.

I close the door and pry open the floorboard. There it is; The ring.

I put the ring in an envelope and deliver it to Weevil the next day at school.

I sit down at lunch and am accompanied by Duncan.

"What do you need?" I asked

"The other guys and I think its sad to see you alone," Duncan says.

Duncan puts his hand to his face and whispers, "mostly Dick."

I look over to see Dick doing an inappropriate dance and Logan hitting him on the head.

"Why don't you join us," he said a glimpse of hope in his eye. "I want to fix this, if we're gonna live in the same house we should at least get along. I look over at Weevil and he's waving me over. I look back and Duncan.

"Sorry, I have to take care of something, maybe some other time." As much as I wanted to say yes, I knew that this was important.

I walk over to weevil and he gives me the ring.

"Y/n, it's a fake."

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