Chapter 8

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"Eli, I got a username for you," I said running up to him in the hallway.

"Really, what is it," he said looking relieved. I grab the paper and show him the username @Gamergirl652.

"Do you know them?"

"Yeah, I know who that is," He turns to me. "Thank you Y/n, even after accusing you you still helped. I appreciate it."

"No problem dude. If you need anything else I'm always here," I walk away feeling happy.

Now I wanna find out who the hell Lilly was emailing while also being with Logan and I guess Weevil. It's not that I think he killed her it's just that I'm curious.

I scan the photos of the emails in my room. The guys are downstairs, they're playing poker. I can here Duncan is getting really drunk, I mean he's singing.

I come across one email that was addressed the day Lilly died.

"Come over why don't you. We can maybe play around," anonymous person said.

I realize that the person emailing Lilly probably killed her. Now I just need to figure out who this email address is from. And the only way I can do that is by emailing them. I know stupid idea, but it's not like I have a hacker friend or anything. Oh wait I do.

I walk over to Mac in the newspaper room. "Hey there can you by chance find out who this person is?" I smile at her and show the sticky note in which I have the address written down.

"I mean maybe. I can try my best," she looks at me a little curious. She starts typing stuff in that I don't really understand, but I trust her to find out who it is.

"Alright this email address is Arron Echolls," she looked at me.

"Ok cool," I try not to look weird or anything.

"Why did you need me to track down this email address?"

"No reason, I gotta go." Then I ran out of the room with the sticky note.

Now I need to check if the room featured in the video is at Logan's house which means I have to go over there.

I told the Kanes that I was going over to Macs house so they didn't question me. I got on my skateboard and went over.

I went out towards the back. I just needed a glimpse of one of the rooms. And then I see it, they did it in the pool house. Lilly and Arron Echolls were hooking up in his pool house and he was recording all of it.

Damn, I couldn't believe it. I mean now that I know for sure what should I do? Well my questions were answered when Logan walked up behind me.

"I know, I was shocked too."

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