Chapter 12

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It's 5:31, my alarm went off 1 minute ago. I'm staring at the ceiling when I hear a creek in my door. Automatically I pretend to sleep.

Jake Kane slowly creeps in and opens the vent. He looks inside for a long time just to make sure there was nothing else. He looks at me and makes sure I'm asleep. Opening the closet door he opens another vent.

What a weird place to put a vent.

He opens it and takes something out. Closing the door he takes out Lilly's diary. Oh fuck, this isn't good I need to see what's in that diary. He walks to the door and leaves. Man I need to tell Logan.

I arrive at school and catch up with Logan. He's walking fast, but slows down when he sees me.

"Hey," he says with a smile.

"Hey," I say standing beside him. He stops and turns towards me. He looks dead in my eyes.

We're isolated from the world. No one is around we're at the back of the school.

He grabs my hand and as much as I want to kiss him we have to talk business.

"Jake Kane took Lilly's diary that she had been hiding in her room." I said my hands still infatuated with his.

"Wait what! Do you think the diary says who did it?!" Logan says moving his hands to his head showing he is distressed.

"I think it would probably say where she was the day of the murder."

"Do you know where he took it? Do you think you can find it?" Logan looks at me desperately.

"Yeah I think I could manage breaking into his office again." I look at Logan calmly even though I have trouble being sneaky.

Logan looks at me longingly. "Thank you... for helping me with this. I know you never knew Lilly so this really means a lot." Logan tilted his head."I love Lilly, but I don't like I'm in love with her anymore. I think I just want to be able to sleep at night knowing that we can be sure that the person who killed her doesn't walk free again."

Logan looked at me with his beautiful eyes. He slowly creeps into a hug. My hands are around his neck and his are around my waist. It's like he's tugging on my trying to push both of us closer and closer together.

He lets go and tries to go in for a kiss, but we're interrupted by the sound of my science teacher.
We separate and I walk over to the door leading inside. Logan's going the other way.

I look back at him slowly and then open the door walking next to my science teacher who is pissed.

"Call me if you need anything," Logan yelled back. I nodded to him.

My science teacher starts lecturing me on school and how I should take it more seriously even though I am a great student and have never don't anything like this before.

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