Chapter 3

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It's a sunny nice day as I ride my skateboard to school. Weevil has a life so he doesn't ride me to school every single day and I didn't want to trigger Logan any further so I just rode over myself.

Wallace let's me put my skateboard in his car. We really hit it off after hanging out a few days ago. I'm glad I'm making such good friends. After moving around so much I couldn't possibly have ever imagined this.

"Trespassing in peoples cars?" Logan said being the ass he is.

"No Wallace let me put it in his car," I said defending myself in a non defensive way.

"Yeah, for some reason I doubt that," Logan said with a smirk. He then walked away going to talk to Dick and Beaver.

I go to Mac and we walk into the school.

"You know I headed that the principals son has a crush on you," I said doing a funny motion with my eyebrows.

"What nah ah, no way I could never. I appreciate it, but he's not really my type," said Mac not taking me seriously.

"Fine, fine it was just a though, a very, very smart thought," I said smirking as I walk into my next class.

Dang I have so much freaking homework. I mean who needs to know chemistry. I stare annoyingly at the wall. I notice something in the vent. I think it's horrible to have to be living in a dead girls room, but it's even weirder that her stuff is still there.

I walk over and try to undo the vent. I'm not exactly doing this on a normal bases so this is a little difficult for me.

I remember that Mr. Kane has a tool box so a go get a screw driver. I pick out a green one and run back to my room. I undo the bolt and find video tapes.

The tape looks destroyed, very, very unplayable. There are multiple in the vent. I don't really have any idea what to do so I go call for Duncan.

"Uhm, Duncan, can you come over here for a second," I said peaking my head out of the door. When Duncan walks in he's kinda confused as we don't talk very often.

"Yo, there were tapes in the vent and they look really banged up," I said hoping that he won't be to unfriendly to me.

"Really?" He said. He walks over to the tapes and takes a good look. "Weird, when she was murdered we went though her entire room, it's odd that these are here. Though, she always used to keep things in here I wouldn't be surprised. You want to go see what's on the tapes."

"I mean yeah, but they look pretty broken do you think they'll work?"

"I don't know, but it's worth a try, right?" He said.

"Yeah I guess so." We walk back to his room and put the tapes in. The TV comes in and starts playing. There are flashes, but you can make out to people in a bed. It's obvious that one is Lilly.

"Mmhhh," Lilly moaned.

"Oh god," I mumbled feeling a little sick. Duncan goes and turns it off.

"The other 2 tapes are too broken to play," he said depressedly.

"What are we gonna do about these two tapes," I said quietly.

"I'll take care of it," he said and then walked away. So then I'm stuck there not quite sure what to do. I end up going back to my room. I don't want to screw anything up so I decided to drop it. As I go to sleep at night all I can think about is the tapes though.

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