Chapter 14

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I race down to the town library. Me and Logan are meeting there. I make a quick turn and walk in with my skateboard and diary in hand.

Logan's sitting at a table with no one else. When he sees me he smiles in a sort of sad way. Like he doesn't want to know that it's his Dad that killed Lilly, but he wants to find her murderer.

I pull a seat across from him and he moves to sit next to me. We look dead into each other eyes. He puts his hand on my thigh and I give him the diary.

He removes his hand and opens the book. Looking through the pages he finds the date of the day she died. Logan starts to read it out.

"Today I have cheerleading practice. Then I'm going to go hang out with Veronica. She's upset because Duncan just broke up with her. I feel like he did the right thing, but I still sympathize with Veronica. Im going Arrons today! Its nice having casual sex everyone once in a while and oh boy is he good."

Logan stares at the diary. He speechless, his Dad really killed her. I mean he must have, they were together that day.

"That's weird she said Arron's as in she went to her house yet she was killed next to her pool." I gave Logan a confused look. "Should we go tell Sheriff Lamb."

"No, we gotta wait until we have enough evidence. He's to much of a blow head to Believe us." Logan shifted out of the seat.

We walked into the parking lot and stood in front of his Jeep.

"What do you think we should do?" I asked Logan a little confused.

"I don't know, honestly." Logan looked sad. I mustered all my courage and walked towards Him. I was going to hug him, but he did the best thing.

He dove in touching his lips towards mine. Instead of soft or hard kisses they were more affectionate. It was like he was trying to tell me that he wanted me through a kiss.

He slowly moved his hand towards my butt keeping another at my waist. I put my hands around his neck.

I pull away from the kiss, but he pushes his lips back against mine. He starts to smile while kissing me in small dowses. He finally pulls away, but we stay rapped together.

"I feel like a should be talking right now, but I think that was self explanatory." Logan looks like he's beaming as he speaks. "I know we probably shouldn't be doing this, but you should stay the night at my house."

This is perfect because now I have a place to stay!

Logan moves his face closer to mine slightly brushing his lips against mine. "That sounds like it would be fun."

"Really, I thought you would say no. I mean, it's kinda against the rules of the Kane family." I told my eyes and smile.

"I'm not exactly on good terms with the Kane family," I said looking at Logan.

"What why?" Logan's smile disappears and so does mine.

"Jake caught me taking Lilly's diary." Not only does Logan look pissed, but he also flinches when I mention Lilly's name.

"And you didn't tell me! Y/n we're in this together, I thought I could trust you." Logan pulls away.

"Why are you so mad about it. I got the diary." I look at him confused and defensive.

"Now they know that we're up to something, there gonna know that you've been snooping and using there house to your advantage. And now there gonna come after you, your putting yourself in danger for someone who is already dead." Logan walks back opening the door of his Jeep.

"So your just gonna leave me here because I made you mad, what about we're in this together?! I said pissed the fuck off.

"You know what I didn't want to go to your house anyways, I'll just find someone else to stay with. I don't know maybe they'll treat me better." I walked off.

I can feel Logan's eyes on me as I jump on my skateboard and ride away. I really didn't mean anything I said I just hated how he treated me.

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