Chapter 7

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"Logan, I have to tell you something." Logan goes into the file with a video labeled sex tape.

"Yes, please explain to me why there is a video of my dead girlfriends sex tape on her brothers computer. That would be helpful."

"I found the tapes in the vent. I showed them to Duncan, only one would play. They were pretty beaten up. He took them off my hands and then told me that he got rid of them. That's probably what this video is."

Logan presses the video and watches the first bit. He can't take his eyes off, I can tell his eyes are tearing up. He stops it. I think thats enough snooping for today. He gets up and walks out.

"Logan, was that you?"


Then he was gone.

I of course took this as an opportunity to snoop even more. I found some porn, but that was it. I did however worry about what Logan as going to do.

During the next day I noticed that Logan was acting weird. Of course he would act weird after what happened, but still it was weird.

I sat at lunch eating my food when Weevil catches my eye. He walks over and sits with me. Logan gives me a nasty look from across the court yard.

"What do you need," I asked Weevil.

"I want to say in advance that I'm sorry. I need a favor," Weevil said looking guilty. "I need you to break into Lilly's old computer and find where she sold the ring."

"Ya know, I don't know if I can trust you. I mean is this even really your ring and besides you totally just accused of stealing it a few days ago."

"Look, this ring was my Moms. I thought Lilly was the one and so I gave it to her. Now I don't know how to prove that it's mine, but I think that if you think about it it would make sense."

I roll my eyes, "where do you think the computer would be."

"It's probably in Jakes Kane's office," Weevil squirmed.

"Eli, I can't get in there his room is almost always locked," I titled impatiently.

"Well, please figure something out. I need that ring back or my Grandma is gonna kill me."

"Look I'll try to figure something out ok, but no promises got it."

"Got it," Weevil said as he stood up. Logan walks by.

"Well isn't that sweet, so when's the wedding," Logan said with a disgusted look on his face. Weevil walks away with a smile on his face and Logan avoids my eye contact.

I stole Mr. Kane's key to his office. They have thankfully gone to another motel date night which is surprising, but whatever.

I unlock the door and walk in. I really hope that there aren't cameras in here. I walk over and open the closet door. I shuffle around to see a box that is labeled Lilly.

I open the box to find her computer.

Shit, I don't know the password. Maybe if I just, oh, it just logged right in. Maybe he didn't want to have to put in the password anymore so he just made it where he didn't have to. Just my lucky day.

I click on history and look through a mix of lots of things. I see she had been emailing some guy so I open it.

The emails talk about having sex in the pool house so I take as many picture as I can of the messages. Maybe this has something to do with her death.

I find another email talking about a location to meet about the ring. I take a picture of the username to show Weevil.

I get up trying not to let my curiosity get the best of me. I put the computer and box back. I close the closet doors and leave the room. I lock the door and go back to my room.

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