Chapter 18

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I sat at the station with tampons in my nose to stop the bleeding. I just gave my statement for the sheriff and now all I needed to do was be picked up by the Kanes.

I went to sit up and wait outside when Logan spoke to me for the first time since we left in the police car.

"Please, don't go, I can't talk to you, but I don't want to be alone." Logan looked over to the floor and rested his head on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and waited.

I could see Duncan, Mr., and Mrs. Kane walk through the door. They stared at me. Duncan walked over and asked Logan if they could talk. He said sure. I stood up and looked at them.

"I'm sorry about the diary." I said truthfully.

With tears in his eyes Mr. Kane said, " It's ok we all make mistakes. I'm so sorry about what I said."

"It's ok," I said forming a hug with him. Mrs. Kane never really cared for me, but she gave me a hug too once I was finished with the one that Jake gave me.

They walked back into the room where Arron was being held. I didn't care enough to go in too. I was finished with this.

Duncan walked over to me and said, "Thank you, for being my sister." He gave me a weak smile and walked away. All I could do was sit in aw.

Logan walked out of the room, hands in his pockets.

"Follow me," he said walking outside. I followed. He sat on the side walk and I sat next to him.

"Thank you y/n for helping me through this, it means a lot." Logan smiled, " I am so glad that that son of a bitch is going to be locked up forever." The smile faded. I'm not very good with words so I just stared at the floor.

Logan grabbed my hand and kissed me. This time it started out hard and became soft like he could tell that I was tired and couldn't do it. We rested our faces together and held hands.

"I don't know if this is the best time, but I don't think there is ever going to be a right time." Logan smiled at me and I smiled back. "Do you want to get together and stuff." Logan was blushing so much and I think I was too.

"Yes, of course it would want to," I said pushing myself into him in a playful way. If you hadn't noticed the fact that we were sitting outside of the sheriffs office and had cuts and bruises it would look like we were a normal couple. And we would be soon.

Arron was convicted and faced prison time until death. He was charged with statuary rape and murder. Me and Logan ended up together and that is the end of the story.

Authors Note:
Hey guys this was my first fan fiction! I think after I'm going to do one about Otis from Sex Education, but before that I am definitely going to take a break! Thank you so much for reading it and for the support!! I really hope you enjoyed.

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