Chapter 6

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"You know I think we should go to this new restaurant that just opened," Wallace said swinging next to my locker.

"If I'm guessing right it sounds like your asking me on a date."

"Never in a million years."

"Good, I think that Jackie girls been eyeing you maybe you should ask her to that restaurant," I said smirking at him.

His face lights up as he sees Jackie walk by, "I'm gonna go shoot my shot it you don't mind."

"Go for it kiddo." It had been another week since the talk with Logan. I had been at this school for 2 months and this is the most drama to happen ever. No I take that back.

Dick walks over and says, "hey we're having a party at my place if you wanna come. Btw 09ers only. Make sure to bring some vodka!" Duck walks away with a smile.

Oh dear god I think to myself. If I'm being honest I'm not very much of a party person, but I'll think about it just this once.

I sit in class waiting for the rest of the students to finish there test. I look out the window. What did Duncan do with the tapes? He said he had it under control, but I don't know what that means. He has also been acting really nice which is very weird.

Maybe I should ask him. No he would be mad and things are going great. Oh come on y/n you wanna know. I'll ask ok, I'll do it.

I eat some cereal for dinner as Duncan walks in. We stare for a moment.

"Cereal for dinner," he asks shocked.

"Most nutritious thing I've had in years," I said.

"Hey Duncan, what did you do with the tapes?" His mouth turns from a smile to a grim look.

"I trashed them." Duncan reached into the fridge.

I try to mask the shock I have, "ok, I was just wondering ya know."

"Yeah, I get that." Duncan walks out. I trust him though. I just think he wants to keep his sisters reputation in check. Though the party tomorrow night is totally going to be a great excuse to go through his stuff.

Mr. and Mrs. Kane are on a date night in a motel and Duncan is at a party. I sneak into his room and take a quick note of the vent. I don't think he would hide it there, but I leak inside just to check. Just as I thought nothings there.

I leave his bed sheets alone so that he won't notice any changes. I mean do I really think that he's hiding them under his pillows.

I open his computer all secret like. The password comes up though, I don't know the password. I close the password and look under the bed. There was a hiding place under the floorboard in Lilly's room so maybe the same in here.

I hear foot steps and I hide on the side of the bed where you can't see me.

They walk up to the computer and spot me; It's Logan.

"Well, well, well, looks like we have a snooper." Logan stares at me with a smile. I look out behind the bed to see that no one is there.

"I thought you were at the party," I said a little confused.

Logan smirks, "why do that when you can snoop. Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not," I say a little irritated, but not showing it. He walks over to the computer and types in the password. I stand behind him looking over his shoulder.

"Duncan is really easy to crack. His password is Lilly4321." He scrolls the see a file called Lilly. I already know what its gonna be. He opens the file.

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