Chapter 13

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I slowly walk into Jake Kane's bedroom. I think that the diary is in here because they have a safe. If I were to hide something like that anyone under these circumstances I would hide it in a safe.

I lean down to the safe and slowly turn the safe. I had seen a few codes when looking through Lilly's computer. I tried most of them when it finally opened.

I looked in it and didn't find the diary. I closed the door. And heard the door creak. Something hit me on the head.

I woke up handcuffed to the chair in Jake Kane's office. I try to wiggle out, but nothing works.

"Why did you want the diary?" Mr. Kane said looking at me suspiciously.

"Because I was curious." I said trying to seem innocent.

"Curious about what," Mr. Kane said getting pissed.

"What the diary said ya know, I mean she must have so many drama filled pages in there. I just thought that if I were to read it I could finally become popular. It's stupid I'm sure you wouldn't understand." I looked innocently at Jake.

"YOU BITCH!! YOU GO THROUGH HER THINGS LIKE ITS NOTHING FOR POPULARITY!!." Mr. Kane looked pissed, but he believed my fake story which is a step in the right direction.

Mr. Kane walked over towards me and unlocked my handcuffs. He sits back down in his chair angrily.

"Go To your room I don't want to see your pathetic face. I loved Lilly with all my heart and yet people like you just keep on hurting her. Your hurting her even after she's dead." Jake Kane started breaking down crying.

All I could think about however is if I should grab the diary and run for it. I mean he's a little occupied and once he finds out what I know he'll being thanking me.

But right now, all I do is stare. I can't help it. Somewhere in all this I kinda saw his as a father. Someone I could look up to and rely on. I guess it just kinda hurts knowing that that's what he thinks of me.

Even though I want to I can't let my emotions control me. I have to do the right thing and try to find Lilly's killer even if everyone starts hating me.

I grab the diary and run out of the room. I can hear Jakes screams and cries from behind me. I slam the door open and locked grab my skateboard jumping on it and rolling away.

I don't know how Logan will feel knowing that I got the diary, but at the expense of my current life.

I role away dialing Logan on my phone. Hopefully we can meet up soon.

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