Chapter 15

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I've been riding in a circle for 40 minutes. I've gotten 23 text messages saying to come home and give the diary back. Apparently they have body guards out searching for me.

Logan hasn't texted once. I couldn't give a shit though. I'm over that and now I need to find proof about who killed Lilly.

I don't know why I care so much about Lilly. It may be because I know what it's like to be in a bad situation. Every orphanage I've ever been in has always been scary. I've had to look out for myself. I know what it feels like to be so alone that you crave other attention.

"You shouldn't be out this late, you could get hurt." I turn over to Weevil. A little disappointed I smirk.

"You shouldn't be out here either, people could hurt you too," I tolled him.

"I think I can take care of myself." He smiled crossing his arms and leaned on his motor cycle.

"Why are you out here so late?" Weevil lost his smile.

"I stole something from the Kane's and they caught me." I said tilting my head.

"What'd you take," weevil questioned.

"I took Lilly's diary." I said regretting telling him.

"WHAT! WAIT DID IT SAY ANYTHING ABIUT THE DAY SHE DIED." Weevil said walking towards me. I give him a look that kinda gives it away.

"Give it to me," he said holding out his hand.

"No," I said walking away from him.

"Come on y/n I need to know, you know why can't you just let me see." Weevil starts looking desperate.

"I'm sorry Weevil, but if I give you this book I know your gonna do something stupid and I can't let that happen."

"Hey there she is," a man yelled. Fuck it was one of the body guards. Weevil looks over confused, but I don't care I get my skateboard and ride away. It's sad thought because they have a car.

Weevil what on his bike and starts chasing me.

"Y/n jump on I can get you out of here." I look at him and diehard my skateboard as I jump onto his motorcycle while holding the diary.

I put my hands around his waist and we start gliding. I can hear gunshots in the background, but they suck at shooting.

We turn into a narrow dark alley way that they can't follow us into and then we go to a regular road.

By the time we get far away we lost them. Weevil stops and I get off. Weevil looks at me sadly.

"Thanks," I say and he rides off.

Now I'm stranded and everyone that every cared about me is gone. Except for Wallace, but I'm not going to put him in danger just because I am.

I need to decide what my next move is. Should I hide, should I go find my skateboard, so many options yet not many at all.

All I can think about doing however is calling Logan. I feel bad and I need his help, but I'm not gonna let him know that.

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