Part 2

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When we head into the vip area I start shaking at the thought of meeting Liam. There seems to be a party and there are crowds of people everywhere and the Beatles are playing on a record player in the corner.
All the "fans" are put in a queue to meet the band while the groupie girls go straight into the party.
We are in the line for about half an hour with it moving slowly. Then as the people ahead move away I see him .. LIAM GALLAGHER. He is fucking stunning. It's like a light from heaven is shining on him and he has a halo around his head. He is signing an autograph but then he looks up and our eyes meet . It's as if the whole world stopped for a few seconds and when I come out of my daze I realise he is smirking at me and we are next in line. "Come onnn" juleswas saying to me pulling my hand. And as we move ahead to meet bonehead - I notice that Liam is still staring at me. I get bonehead to sign my concert ticket. As we move along I'm shaking as we get to Liam he is still staring at me and as he says hello to me in his beautiful Mancunian accent I feel my stomach do a somersault. I also get him to sign my concert tickets and then I shyly ask for a hug. He hugs me tightly and he feels so soft and warm I wanna hug him forever and afterwards I tell him thank you for his music and how much I love the band. He laughs and thanks us for being incredible fans.

How I meet Liam Gallagher Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang