Part 3

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A security guard lets us into the party and once we are out of earshot we crowd together and fan girl over just meeting him. "How freaking beautiful did Liam look?!" I say
"I knowwww ahhh" jules says holding out her hand. It annoys me a little how every girl I know adores Liam how I'm not the only one, how many other girls has he stared at? And hugged? He probably won't even remember me by tomorrow but I will treasure this day. As the song I saw you standing there comes on we join others on the dance floor and dance along for an hour until we are thirsty and tired. I go stand in near the wall while Sam and jules go get us drinks.
Then I see the band come in. They must be finished signing autographs now.
Liam goes straight to one of the groupie girls I saw earlier. She looks so hot of course i cants even be compared to her. She has a short red dress on high heels and heavy make up while I'm in baggy jeans and a tshirt. I see them having a conversation but since they are the other side of the room I can't hear them but soon enough they are walking hand in hand towards the door surely going to fuck in his hotel room. I'm standing right beside the door and then Liam is looking at me. Only then do I realise I've been staring at them the whole time. "Hey love wanna come with us?" He asked looking down at me in question. 
God no I think to myself im not going messing about with these groupie girls. Liam seems to read my thoughts and then he says " don't worry love we're just gonna hang out"
"We might do drugs too" the groupie girl pipes in excitedly.
"Sh sh sh" Liam says " don't scare her away"
"Come now"he says "come with me you'll me ok"
he puts his hand on my back sending a shiver down my spine and brings me to the door. 
The three of us go into the elevator. And in the silence Liam then asks my name
" y/n" I reply.
"That's beautiful " he says. And I catch him glimpsing at me but then he turns away and starts asking the groupie about the drugs.

How I meet Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now