Part 5

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I can believe I'm here in a room with Liam fucking Gallagher sitting beside me and how I keep noticing him staring at me and how it makes my heart melt and I'm Afraid I'm blushing too much.
It's about 2am when Noel walks in holding hands with this beautiful blonde girl. Liam raises his eyebrows at him and then stares at me trying not to laugh gesturing to try and say that it was the girl we heard earlier. I giggle a little. Noel comes and sits beside Liam and then he pulls out a bag of what looks like cocaine and everyone thanks and cheers him. I start to get nervous hoping I'm not the only one who doesn't wanna sniff Coke. As Noel starts putting out the Coke on the table and the others start sniffing It he asks me if I want any. I wave away the offer and say no thanks as I look down at my half empty pint of beer. Liam is just about to take a sniff of cocaine when he hears me declining it then he sits back up and says "you know what I don't really feel like doing Coke it's getting kinda late"
Everyone stops talking like they are shocked that Liam wouldn't want to do Coke. This time it's Noel raising his eyebrows at Liam. Then he looks from me to Liam. He points at me " who is this girl anyway? You two a thing?"
Liam puts his arm around me
"May... bee " he says drunkly.
I nearly spit out my drink in shock. But I know he is really just trying to wind up Noel.
Noel makes a face to show he doesn't really care turning away and when everyone starts talking again Liam smiles down at me. I manage to smile back but I'm so head over heels for him it's so nerve-wrecking.
"Let's get out of her shall we" he says and with his arm still around me we stand up and leave. Nobody even seems to care.

How I meet Liam Gallagher Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum