Part 11

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We walk down to bereakfast together. There is a buffet so we both get a plate and pile on some food. Noel arrives and he looks wrecked. He is obviously hungover. While I go to fix myself a coffee I can hear him talking to Liam. They think I'm out of earshot but I can still hear their conversation.
"So did you do it with her" Noel asks Liam.. most likely referring to me.
"Of course I didn't" Liam replies.
"First time for everything " Noel states.
"What the fuck you mean by that" Liam seems to get angry.
"I mean" Noel says " that you never go with a girl for anything but sex"
"And you do" Liam says. "I heard you last night with that blonde" you thinking your all sensitive and romantic but there you are fucking a random girl.. and where is she now?" Liam looks around.
"Not like you don't do that every fucking night" Noel says through gritted teeth.
"I know I'm a jerk.. but I'm going to change"
"Change!" Noel snorts.
"This what you call change? Not doing Coke for a night? What you really need to change is your fucking attitude and respect.. especially for women" Noel points his finger at Liam.
"As if you have any respect for women" Liam replies.
"Boys boys boys" bonehead comes along puts a hand on each of their shoulders.
" what we fighting about today" he asks as if it's a tradition.
"Nothing" Liam says staring right at Noel. He storms away and comes over to me. " come on love" he says angrily. And we sit at a table on The other side of the breakfast room. "God he infuriates me so much" Liam says angrily. I try to ignore his anger as I nibble on some toast. "You heard us.. didn't you?" He asks Me his elbow lying on the back of the chair. I don't make eye contact with him.
"Yes" I say. " umm I think most of the room heard you guys"
"Ughhh this is so embarrassing" he puts his head in his hands and kicks the leg of the table. "I'm sorry you had to hear that"
"Why does Noel care if you have sex or not?" I ask. " I don't know" Liam says.
"He can tell that I actually like you and he wants to fuck it uppp urghhh!!!" He kicks the leg of the table again.
"This is why I never try to make anything out of my one-night-stands. Cause that fucker makes me feel unworthy of love. He thinks I'm not capable of having an actual relationship. Because he thinks all I want is sex. But its not. I want a normal FUCKING relationship. I want to fall in love and have someone I can trust and rely on. The only reason I keep having so much sex is because I use it to make me feel something close to love. But it's not what I want anymore" he sighs and puts his head on the table. Here was Liam Gallagher pouring his heart out to me telling me his problems. But I didn't know what to Do I've never been good on giving advice. He looks up and eyes the room to see if anyone is watching us. Then I notice that there are tears in his eyes and it breaks my heart. I put my hand on top of his and hold it rubbing my thumb across his fingers. I take a deep breath.
" of course your worthy of love. No matter what everyone deserved to be loved. You can't let your brother hurt you like this. I know you try to hide it with anger but deep down you are hurting. Right?" And he just nods silently. Why don't you talk to your brother and explain it to him. Tell him you ARE capable of a relationship and sex isn't all you want. But even so he shouldn't be messing with your love life it's none of his business. If he continues just ignore him forget him"
"I've thought of that" Liam says. He leans in and whispers " I've thought of leaving the band" I gasp in shock. How could oasis possibly break up they were my favourite band ever. It would be a devastation.. but if Liam had to get away from what seemed to be a controlling manipulative brother then maybe it was for the best.
"I've thought about running away with a girl and having a relationship just to proof to him that I am capable of one and that I am worthy of love... but then I realised that isn't right it's unfair if its not true love what's the point just doing something to proof to my brother... that is immature. Then I was more heartbroken because Noel's words cut like knives through my body when it felt like the truth he told me I would never find real love because I was a arrogant cunt etc etc. And he KNOWS that all I wanted in life was to find the right girl. And now I've meet you" he looks up at me and smiles through his tears. " I'm sorry to throw all this stuff on you" he sighs. "It's just I feel I've finally found a girl that I like more than just for sex and now that Noel has realised his only motive is to fuck it up, to scare you away, and I don't want you to leave me. That's why if I run away Noel can't bother my relationship ... maybe it's time I run away... with you!" His eyes are full of adrenaline and adventure. He wipes away his tears. "Now hold on.. " I say taking both his hands in mine but he's not even Listening. "You're the right girl" he says.
"You're the girl I've been searching for"
"But we only just met last night"
"But when you know, you know.. don't you feel it? It's something.. hmm.. something magical"
"Of course I do" I reply.
"I felt it when we first made eye contact. It felt as if we've known each other our whole lives even in pastlives i feel my soul is at peace as if I've found the missing piece to my puzzle"
" exactly exactly that's it!" Liam jumps out of his chair.
"You put it into words perfectly y/n.

How I meet Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now