Part 8

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So we go downstairs to where the party was. By now it's around 4am and all that are left is a few drunken people and trash everywhere. There is one security guard and we wait until he walks down another hall until we run in. It feels so rebellious and risky but I love the adrenaline and it's alright I'm sure we'll return the record player. Liam closes the record table and grabs it while I go and grab some of the vinyls lying beside it all there is is the Beatles and the stone roses so I take sgt peppers lonely hearts club band and revolver. We run back as quickly as possible. Once we're back in the hotel room Liam puts the record player on the ground and I hand him the vinyls.
"Good choices" he says. He takes sgt peppers lonely hearts club band and carefully lays the vinyl into the record player lifting the needle onto the vinyl and the song I've heard a million times starts to play. Probably my favourite Beatles album. Come lie down with me he says so we both lie on our backs on the bed staring at the ceiling in silence listening to crackles of the vinyl and the Beatles classic hits we love. Liam turns his head to look at me and I do the same. He is so close I can feel his warm breathe on my Skin. I feel my heart begin to beat faster He puts his hand on my cheek and rubs my cheek with his thumb then he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.
As the song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" plays he kisses me again. It is so hot and romantic. As he continues to kiss me he rolls on top of me. We make-out for the majority of the song until he rolls back onto his back.
"This feels different" he says
"What do you mean" I reply confused at his statement.
"Well you know... usually like Noel said" he rolls his eyes. " I just want to fuck every girl I go with... but with you" he looks at me. I raise my eyebrows. "Not that I wouldn't like to fuck you but i just want to hold your hand and dance with you and kiss you.... He sighs " I'm scared if I WAS to fuck you I would just leave you in the morning like I do all the girls cause I'm a fucking jerk.. but no you I want to stay with you..."
There is silence. I don't know what to say. My heart is beating so fast and it all feels like a dream. my biggest crush ever Liam Gallagher here saying he wants to stay with me and kiss  me. I haven't checked in with reality how the fuck can this be real but when he takes my hand in his and stares deep into my eyes I know it's real I know I can't be dreaming. "Come on the rest of the tour with me" he states.
"What!" I exclaim. " I-I - how - can I go touring with you" "I don't have any cloth-
"I'll buy you clothes" Liam buts in. " ok.. what about deodorant, shampoo, my toothbrush"
"Ok ok" Liam tried to think. " we'll stop at your house and you can pack everything you need... but I still wanna buy you clothes" he protests.
" actually I don't live in Berlin I've been travelling with my friends in a caravan"
"Then we'll go to the caravan"
" what" Liam says.
"I've abandoned my friends"
"So what. Liam says "they'll understand when they see my limo pull up outside the caravan"
"Hahahaha" I laugh "I guess so"

How I meet Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now