Part 9

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The sun is starting to rise.
"I don't even wanna sleep I hate it" I say.
"Yeah I agree" Liam says " it's a waste of time when you can be just living your life instead but you may need some energy so maybe one hour or so can't hurt. Breakfast doesn't start until 8am anyways. "Okay" I reply. We both get under the covers of the double bed. We try to get to sleep. After a few minutes. " y/n" Liam whispers " are you still awake?"
"Of course I am" I whisper back " it takes me forever to get to sleep"
Liam turns over on his side to face me. "Can I hold you?" he asks cutely. He looks all lovey dovey and innocent. I smirk at him . He starts to blush and gets all fluttered. " it's just that I've never really cuddled with any girl. We just fuck and then sleep on opposite sides of the bed because we both know it's just going to be a one-night-stand... but you.. I know you are staying and I would really like it... I.. uhh.. think it would help me sleep"
After his cute little excuse of wanting to cuddle I giggle at him " of course you can hold me"
He shyly puts his arm around me. All I can smell is his perfume. He smells heavenly. He took off his shirt earlier to sleep so I can feel his skin against mine. I put my hand around his neck and Touch his hair it is so silky and soft. He closes his eyes and sighs so I know he likes it. I continue to massage his head. He shifts a little Under the covers and soon enough it looks like he is asleep. I kiss his cheek lightly and then bury my head into his chest and fall asleep my self within seconds. I can't believe I'm sleeping with the boy of my dreams touching his soft hair. It feels like a fever dream and I feel so peaceful. He really is a calming presence even if all the magazine articles about him say different.

How I meet Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now