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Nathalia opens the door to the padded cell room and plasters a smile on her face as Harry turns.

Eggsy smile as he goes in for a hug but Harry pushes him away.

"Harry," Merlin offers Harry his hand.

"How do you do?" Harry asks before looking at the three in front of him. "Have we met before?"

"Harry," Eggsy says. "It's okay, it's fine. They know that we know you"

"Egs," Nathalia whispers. "I don't think he's pretending. Getting shot like he did, we'll be lucky if memory loss is the only effect"

Nathalia clears her throat and smiles at Harry.

"It's been such a long time Harry," Nathalia says. "Merlin, here, needs to get his brogues resoled"

"And my oxfords are done in as well," Eggsy says.

"Why are you telling me about your shoes?" Harry asks. "I'm a lepidopterist"

"You're a what?" Eggsy asks.

"I study butterflies,"

"You wanted to be before you joined the army," Merlin says. "But, Harry look at me"

Merlin moves his finger in front of Harry's face, a dopey smile forming of the latter's lips.

"It's good to see you," Merlin says. "We'll be back soon"

They walk back into the room where Agent Tequila and Ginger Ale were sat.

"What the fuck have you done to him?" Eggsy asks.

"Egs," Nathalia places a hand on his shoulder. "Harry was shot at point blank range in the face. The fact he survived is a miracle, there were bound to be some undesirable side effects"

"We've only tried to help him," Ginger Ale says. "He's got retrograde amnesia. We knew from his eyeglasses that he was intelligence. We just didn't know who's"

"How did he get here?" Merlin asks.

"Agent Tequila and I were investigating a spike in low frequency waves," Ginger Ale says. "We found him with a gunshot wound to his face"

"How did you keep him alive?" Nathalia asks.

"We developed our alpha gel technology for our agents," Ginger Ale says. "In the event of a headshot, the gel protects the brain. Then in the lab we use nanites, micro bots to repair damaged tissues"

"That's fucking brilliant," Nathalia says.

"There are side effects," Ginger Ale says. "Partial amnesia, regression to the younger self. With no idea who he was, there was nothing we could do. But now you guys are here, there's a good chance we can bring him back"

Nathalia and Eggsy step outside.

"This is fucked up," Eggsy says.

"Eggsy," Nathalia places her hand on his face. "You need to listen to me. Despite us being here, we may not be able to get Harry back. I don't want you getting your hopes up. It's a possibility but it's also rare for full memory retrieval to happen"

"What does that mean?"

"He could remember things like the Kingsman," Nathalia says. "But he could forget names and faces"

"So he won't remember me?"

"There's a chance," Nathalia says. "I'm sorry Egs, I know how much he means to you"

"He means a lot to you too," Eggsy says.

"I've been in this business longer than you," Nathalia says. "I'm used to it"

"Come on," Tequila says. "We're going up"

"Up where?"

"On a trip,"

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