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2 months later......

When my period didnt come, I didn't even acknowledge it because I knew what was up..

Tre made me pee on some many pregnancy tests that  when two lines finally appeared, he actually  was happy and bouncing all over the place...

I felt bad for Jenna because she had to cook me breakfast and lunch and dinner and made sure I was comfortable...

Timidity even came to visit me numerous times in my room...

Tre wouldn't let me leave the bed only for baths and to use the bathroom so I laid miserable all day...

Jenna brings me lunch and sits on the floor beside me as I look at the grilled cheese with bacon bits inside of it..

There was three sandwiches, so I hand one  to Jenna who eats its damn near in three bites..

"Thank you Gorgerous for the food but Tre doesn't like me to eat forreal."

I chew my food slowly as I grasp both our situations..

"Well if you can help me escape, I would love that."

"We tried that before and look what happened."

She replies as she looks toward the door...

"Tre is not the boss of us, we can leave now!"

I reply as Jenna eyes me with fear in her eyes...

"If you have a steady plan, I will help you but I want to be safe, if anything happens to you, I believe Tre will kill me."

As we are talking and planning an escape idea, I don't realize Tre is standing at the door and when I do it's to late..

Tre walks over to Jenna and slits her throat and drags her dying body out the room and disappears for an hour as I sit there crying and screaming...

When he walks into the room, his face is covered with blood..

He walks over to me and slaps the plate of sandwiches which was still on my lap clean on the floor..

"You still trying to leave me?"

He replies as I shake hard as he gets on the bed with his shoes on and stands over me..

He slaps me so hard my head hits the headboard and then he grabs me by my neck where I'm staring into his evil hazel eyes...

"Since Jenna had to leave, looks like I'll be waiting on you hand and foot through this pregnancy."

He leans down and rubs my stomach...

"Say your sorry and I might let you live after you have my child."

"I-i-im sorry Tre."

He yanks my neck hard..

"You don't call me Tre bitch, I'm daddy Swing."

"Yes daddy swing."

I whisper as he hops off the bed and leaves the room slamming the door behind him hard..

I lay on the bed crying so hard, I end up falling asleep...

Tre ends up waking me up and when I wake up, he lifts me up and carries me to the bathroom where he lays me in the warm bubbly bathwater gently and then shoves my head under water..

As I fight to get air in my lungs, he finally let's me up and dunks me three more times and when he let's me up, I'm gasping for air...

"You defy me again and try to keep escaping and I'm drown your ass in this tub!"

He washes me up and helps me out the tub and puts me back in my old bedroom where he used to tie me up..

Placing the restraints on my wrists, I whimper on how tight they were..

He kisses my forehead and leaves out the room as I close my eyes and prepare myself for the next morning and not knowing what his crazy ass had next in store.....

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