Gorgeous Payne

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Gathering my things as i leave my parents house, my father hugs me tight..

"Twenty years old and ready to take on the world, baby girl ima miss you!"

My mom joins the hug, wiping a few tears from her eyes..

"Why must you move like thirty hours away? What if something happens and we cant reach you?"

"Mom, i just want a change of scenery and ill be back on holidays and birthdays besides Ima be fine."

I knew if i started crying my makeup would mess up and a bitch tryna look good for the new city i was moving too!

After hugging my parents thirty more times, i finally pull off...............................

Tre POV...

Standing on my porch smoking a blunt as LeVon has his feet kicked up talking with me...

"Man i dont know about you living out here by ya self! Dont you want a nice chick to settle down with?"

"Naw, im cool. Im trying follow in dad footsteps, i really aint got time for chicks!"

"What the hell? Nigga you wilding out, dad died because the way he treated mama."

"Granny told me already, Mom cheated on dad and broke his heart!"

"Dad had problems with keeping his hands to himself also and plus he actually brought on his own demise, hes the real reason we are orphans."

"Can we change the subject? I hate when you go there about our parents, especially when you talk about pops!"

Hitting the blunt extra hard, in the corner of my eye i notice a hot purple car pull up to the apartment building we lived in..

LeVon notices first when the woman gets out the car and my eyes spot the fattest ass in the world..

"Damn she is fine! Boy tell me you thinking about hitting that and plus it look like she moving here also!"

"Well the only vacant spot is the room across the hall from me."

"Please dont be on that weird shit! Ever since you lived with granny Timidity, you aint been the same nor right in the head since!"

"Dont you dare disrespect granny, she basically raised us!"

"Naw nigga she raised you and left me and the twins to fend for ourselves. She selfish as fuck."

I ignore LeVon stupid comment as i watch the lady look around as she grabs her purse and heads to the main office.

"Tre, ima bounce but ima holla at you later."

My brother always gets touchy when it comes to what happen to our family..

I blame my mother Lattice! My granny told me how my mother cheated and provoked my father to hit her..

Everyday i woke up with nightmares of my father calling me from the grave so i didn't sleep much, which resulted in me being kinda paranoid and what not..


I see the lady peering up at me as i almost snap at her for interrupting my thoughts but her smile does something to me..

"Excuse me sir, be a gentleman n help me carry all my heavy stuff in."

I sit there staring at her with a blank expression on my face not moving as she stares at me funny back..

Gorgeous POV..

As i ask the gentleman who was sitting down on his porch to help me with all my heavy stuff i can't help but think he kinda off and maybe a little slow in the head as he glares at me...

"Um hello come be a gentleman n help me to move my stuff!"

I say with my hands on my hips.


He says n looks away.

He has pretty eyes and a nice skin tone but im kinda upset he rude as hell..

As i walk away, i spin around and am about to say something when i catch his eyes glued to my ass..

"You have no permission to eye rape me mister! I told you i needed help with my things! Keep ya eyes off my ass mister!"

I walk away to my car and begin the proceeds of lifting and huffing n puffing up four flights of steps as the man watches me..

When the U-haul comes, i wanna cry im so tired..

The man in the truck smiles at me and i can see all sliver in his mouth..

"So i have moved alot of furniture over here and i must say i aint seen noone as pretty as you!"

He hops down and i try not to cringe when i see he has the nerve to flirt when he dont even know the meaning of lotion on his ashy ass elbows as I stare at his arms.....

His elbows were so dry they made my elbows hurt..

It takes him nearly two hours to move all my funiture and he complimented me everytime he walked past..

Twelve thirty am hits and im tried and ready to go off seeing dude has still numerous pieces of funiture to move inside my place still.....

As for the hundreth time, dude walks past grinning..

"You might as well give me your number, i mean your new to the city and people can fuck you over."

I hear feet behind me and the man who was rude to me earlier is standing there shirtless..

Please eyeballs dont look at his tattoos, that lump in his gray sweat pants...

Oooo looord!!!!!!!!

The mover stops grinning then when the man stands by me glaring at him..

"You been over here a long time man, i am tired of hearing ya busted lines, now hurry up and move the shit faster or you get ya ass kicked."

Mr.Sliver teeth laughes as he eyeballs dude up and down..

"Ma'am if i were you, i would back away from that green eyed fucker, everyone in town know yall negros are known for beating and killing women!"

The man standing by me glaring at the man as Mr teeth keeps going..

"Im telling you, that man is crazy, his father was crazy, my folks used to tell me wild ass stories, neighbors always heard.........

The man never gets to finish before the man beside me attacks him with fast haymakers to the face as he punches the man so hard his grill flys out his mouth onto the ground..

As this occurs i say fuck the rest of the funiture and head to my apartment and close my door and take a warm shower n proceed to forgot about both crazy ass men.....

But as night falls i keep wondering why my neighbor all of a sudden came to help me and what Mr.Sliver tooth was rambling on about..........................

Stay tuned...................

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