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Gorgeous POV..

After hanging up the phone with my parents after an five hour long conversation, i finally make it to my kitchen and make me two bacon n lettuce sandwiches and after devoring them, i decide to go for a jog and slip on my spandex shorts and my sports bra and i head out to jog and explore the new neighborhood when i bump into my neighbor Mr.Hazel eyes..

"Um hi, i wanted to apologize for my embarrassing behavior the other day."

"That's fine! Anything else?"

I ask while stretching my arms out as the man continues staring at me..

"Um yeah thats about it but can i at least know your name?"

"Um why am i giving you my name if im not trying to get to know you and plus I needed help and your ass aint want to help me!"

I ask nearly about to walk away but dude is persistent..

"Im Tre, now you know me and we are not strangers anymore!"

"Well Tre, um nice to meet you but i aint trying to fuck with nobody in the same apartment building as me and your attitude sucks ass!"

I politely put my ear buds in my ear and jog away after saying.....

Tre POV..

Watching the girl walk away kinda made me feel like snatching her back and dragging her high class ass back to my place and keeping her ass but i knew i would get in trouble so i remain calm n head inside my apartment where my brother is sitting on the couch drinking my Gatorade with his crusty feet propped up on my table..

"Whats good little bro? I saw you out talking to old girl! Any luck yet?"

Smacking his feet off my table as i bump past him, making the blue liquid spill on his crispy white t-shirt..

"Damn Tre! No game having ass!"

"LeVon, i dont see how we even related sometimes."

I reply back as i look out my blinds to see if old girl was on her way back to her place..

I just needed to know her name....

LeVon comes smacking in my ear with a mouth full of food as i see he has helped himself to a fat bowl of cereal from my kitchen and i see he is happily eatting and smacking in my ear..

"Waiting on old girl? To fulfill this life you are dreaming off?"

"Get out my face damnit! You play to fucken much!"

I snap as i hear someone knocking on my door as LeVon shakes his head.

"Im trying to help you out!"

He hollers as i rush to my door as my grandmother Timdity walks into the room sniffing the air and mugging LeVon...

"What are you doing here?"

She asks LeVon as all the funniness leaves him.

For some odd reason, my granny n LeVon never got along after we got much older..

"I could ask the same, but im eatting and its rude to eat with your mouth full."

He exclaims giving her the stank eye as she glares towards me.

"You letting any old riff raff in yah house nowadays huh!?"

I sigh and sit on my couch as my granny n LeVon argue back n forth, this going to be a long visit...............


After my run, I take a shower and slip on a gray crop top and some white spandex shorts and slip my hair into a high bun and apply my lip gloss and my spongebob socks and my white low top airforces and as im locking my front door, my cellphone starts to ring and i realize it's the new job i had applied for....................

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