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3 months later...

Walking slowly back up the steps i jump when Tre says my name at the top of the steps..

"Why the fuck you walking so slow? The only reason why i let you even go downstairs is take a shower and because something is wrong with the water up here but im going to fix it tonight."

I cringe when LeVon grabs my arm and yanks me up the steps right to Tre arms who grabs my hand and shushes my protests as he takes me back into my room where i have been held captive for three months now...

I have tried to escape numerous times and each time Tre would punish me so badly that i just stopped trying to leave after LeVon and Timdity started to watch me when Tre wasnt around..

I guess you can say i was kinda tamed now..

Tre hasnt tried to have sex with me but i knew it was a matter of time because numerous times i have woken up in the middle of the night and have had caught Tre feeling all over me as i beg him to stop and he gets really mad and storms out the room. This family scared me and the only person who seemed to have sense was LeVon but he wanted no parts in helping me escape...

LeVon sits on the bed and rubs my head as he hands me a burger that was oozing with ketchup as i use my free hand and digg into my food..

"You know if you just behave then my brother wont physically hurt you, he hates disorder."

Chewing in silence for a moment i pry more about Tre...

"Whats wrong with him why is he so crazy?"

LeVon stands up and leans on the door frame with his hands in his pocket..

"My brother is not crazy, hes hurt we lost our parents and we was young, you see our granny favorite was my brother Tre because he favors our father more then us, i mean i got my father's eyes but i look more like my mother, so do our other siblings but Tre favors my dad more then any of us and my granny raised him, now i dont know what she told him but she got him believing our dad had this whole iron fist but in reality he really beat my mom really bad and when she ran into the arms of someone else they all paid for it with thier lives and we became orphans."

After he was done saying that i was done with my burger as he grabs my plate..

"Will you please let me go i just want to be with my family please!"

"We are your family now and honestly im here trying to get good with my granny because i kno when she pass away Tre gets all this to himself and some more shit and i know i want some of whatever hes getting so me going against my family is out the picture. I gotta gets mine."

I watch him walk out the room as i lay back on my bed..

Now i had a little more freedom.. I had one hand handcuffed to the bed frame but my feet and my left arm were free so i could dress myself and cover my self up with covers when needed to be...

I even had handwritten hand books to study and read written by yours truly Mr.Tre who was hardly ever around which i was thankful for because i was terrifed of his fast actions and since he stayed quiet i never knew what he was thinking.....

Dozing off, i wake up and damn near jump out my skin when i see Tre standing there in the doorway staring at me quietly..

Dozing off, i wake up and damn near jump out my skin when i see Tre standing there in the doorway staring at me quietly

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"You are very beautiful you know that?!"

He asks me walking into the room and sitting on the edge of my bed..

LeVon stands there looking guilty as Tre rubs his temples..

"You know i thought you have changed but im guessing not so im just gonna do what i had in mind all along, LeVon grab her ass out the bed!"

I scream and kick my feet knocking Tre hat off his head and my foot connecting with his lip as he stands there blood dripping from his lip and very unfazed....

LeVon uncuffs my hand and then him and Tre both grab me and i scream and try to fight and they move me into another room with the same bed and handcuff my feet and hands..

Tre gets on top of me and whispers my to face..

"You gonna pay later for kicking me in the face, you hear daddy swing?"

He gets up as i watch him and LeVon leave my room leaving my door wide open and a few minutes later i hear screaming and crying and i see them bring a buttnaked woman kicking and screaming into my old room as i cry knowing she had the same fate as me and wondering what Tre had in store for me for kicking him in the face......................

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