Chapter 1

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Michael and I were laid out in the backseat of our mother's car as she drove to our new home. Sammy and Nanook were in the front seat looking out the window at the coastline. I groaned and pushed the mop of brown curls I call hair out of my face. It felt like we had been in the car forever and I was ready to get out.  My twin brother had been laying across the backseat with his head in my lap and most of his body on the rest of my legs and I was starting to lose feeling in them. I tried shoving him off and he just swatted my hands away. This action from Michael turned the backseat into a slapping match between the two of us.

"We are almost there guys can't you just get along a little while longer!" Lucy laughed out as she watched her two oldest children stop smacking each other with huffs and go to opposite sides of the backseat

" Ugh! What is that smell" Sammy said scrunching his nose up breaking the silence that had fallen in the car after his twin siblings didn't say anything to their mom. 

"It is the ocean air." Lucy breathed out as she inhaled deeply. 

"Well it smells like something died." Sam huffed and crossed his arms.

"Oh it isn't so bad Sammy ." I laughed as I pushed his head.

"Yeah Sammy give it a chance." Michael chimed in. 

As we drove past the Welcome to Santa Carla sign I turned to look out the back and saw what was written on it in big red letters.

"MOM!" I yelled out startling everyone. 

"What is it Victoria? What is wrong?" Lucy said as she slammed on the breaks. 

"You brought us to the murder capital of the world!" I said in an exaggerated huff just staring at mom.

"Oh honey it was probably just some teenagers trying to scare tourists or something. The town really isn't that bad." Mom said as she started driving down the road again.

"Okay whatever you say mom." I sighed.

"Hey it is gonna be alright Victoria. You got me and Sammy boy here to protect you." Michael said in a teasing tone obviously trying to get a reaction out of me. 

"Yeah you got me and Michael. We won't let anything happen to you." Sam said completely oblivious to what Michael was trying to do.

"Thank you Sam. I know I can always count on you." I smiled at my little brother completely ignoring what my twin had said. 

Michael faked hurt as mom turned the car and drove down what I was assuming was grandpa's driveway. Grandpa lived on the outer part of town but seemed to live close enough to the boardwalk we passed that it would be a nice ride on my bike. Grandpa's house was surrounded by bushes and wooden statues.  From the outside you could tell the house was large and it was a wonder why grandpa would stay in it by himself. 

"We are here!" Mom exclaimed as she stopped the car.

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