Chapter 4

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I had let go of David's hand and was following behind him into the boy's home. The trail down into the cave was steep and made of dirt which was making it hard for me to keep my balance. Paul and Marko came rushing past me chasing each other for whatever game they were playing causing me to lose my footing. I tried to steady myself but was unable to do so from feeling so weak still from the earlier show at the boardwalk, and went tumbling down the rest of the way into the cave. I did a somersault and as my legs were coming over my head I felt something cut into the outside of my thigh all the way down to the middle of my calf. When I finally came to rest at the bottom of the hill in the cave I landed with a hard enough thud to cause a cloud of dirt and dust.  The wind was also effectively knocked out of my body and now I was laying on my stomach with my eyes squeezed shut trying to remember how to breath. One arm was tucked under my body grabbing my chest while my other hand grabbed at the dirt next to my head. There was searing pain in my one leg and I could feel warm liquid leaking down it. 

"Jesus fucking Christ Paul and Marko!" I heard Dwayne yell followed by running foot steps. 

"We didn't mean to! We thought we went around her, but apparently we didn't." Paul and Marko said in unison. 

I felt the eyes of all four boys looking at me and could feel them standing around me. I wanted to open my eyes, but for some reason couldn't. It was probably because I was embarrassed and on the verge of another panic attack. I could feel tears start to form in my eyes and did everything in my power to keep them from a falling but failed miserably. 

"Sweetheart open your eyes please." I heard David's quite voice say from right next to me.  "Come on open your eyes for me I just want to help." I felt his hand start to rub my shoulder. 

I forced my eyes open finally and was meet by David's ice blue ones.  He looked extremely concerned, but focused. I finally choked out a sob that I had been holding in. I used what little strength I had to pull my arm out from underneath myself and move it towards him. That is when I felt strong hands roll me over and sit my up. The sudden movement startled me and also caused me to cry out in pain. Then I felt someone sit behind me and pull me against them. Looking down I recognized the arms as Paul's. 

"Your leg is cut pretty bad." Marko said biting hard on to his thumb. "It is oozing blood" He added refusing to actually look at my leg. 

All the boys seemed tense and were refusing to actually look at the wound on my leg. I looked down and turned my leg so I could asses the damage. The cut was deep, but not deep enough to need stitches and was the length of almost my whole leg. Marko was right the cut was oozing, but not really pouring out. I knew physically I would be fine, it was the mentally part I was worried about.  I have never been so embarrassed in one night before and I just wanted to curl up and hide. I leaned back against Paul and steadied my breathing and stopped crying. I was finally able to find my voice after a couple minutes of weird silence. 

"Can someone get me a towel or something for my leg please?" I whispered not making eye contact with anyone. 

No one said anything back to me, but after a second I felt someone wrapping my leg in soft material.  I looked up to see who it was and saw it was Dwayne. He seemed very focused on what he was doing, to the point where I could visibly see him clenching his jaw.  I looked at each boy and for some reason it seemed like they were having some sort of silent conversation. I felt a ripple of anger go threw me. Are they really not going to say anything? They caused me to fall down that stupid hill and now they are just going to stare at me not saying anything. I ripped myself out of Paul's arms and pulled my leg away from Dwayne ignoring the pain that shot threw my whole body.  I stood in front of the boys with my arms crossed like I was a three year old throwing a tantrum. 

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