Chapter 10 (18+)

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I felt like I had been hit by a truck as I came back to the real world. My whole body felt heavy as I started to try and move. I opened my eyes slowly letting them adjust to my surroundings and light. I soon figured out I was in the back bedroom of the cave as I slowly moved my head around. The more awake I became the more strength I got. I used what strength I had accumulated to sit myself up and lean back on my hands. I groaned quietly as I scooted my body back so that I could rest my body against the headboard. I looked down at my body and felt my eyes get wide with shock as I realized I was naked. My hands moved up to cover my boobs and that is when I saw that the hole in my arm was gone, not even a scar to take its place was present.  This now made me wonder how long I had actually been asleep for.

"Aw don't cover yourself up." Marko's voice said from the door pulling me out of my thoughts.

My head shot up and I looked over to the door where Marko stood by himself. I felt heat rush to my face and I knew it was turning bright red. Marko smirked and looked at me like I was prey. He made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge closest to me. We just stared at each other for a minute before I was able to find my voice.

"Where are the others?" I asked as Marko moved so that he was now sitting next to me on the bed.

"They went out to eat, I wanted to stay back just in case you woke up." Marko answered as he put his hand on my face and turned my head so we were face to face.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked as I wrapped my hand around his and nuzzled my cheek against the palm of his hand.

"Three days." He replied shortly but then added. "Your body needed time to heal which is completely normal after get stabbed with a stake that was laced with silver."

"Oh." Was all I could say as Marko and I continued to stare into each other eyes.

"Thank you." Marko finally says with a sad smile. "If you hadn't have been here to save me I would be dead." He stated as he grabbed my face with both hands now and pulled my head closer to his. "But don't ever do it again, I don't know if me and the boys can handle another scare like that." He added now smirking at me.

"I would do it again in a heart beat." I say resting my forehead against his. "So no promises it won't happen again." I added with a small laugh.

Marko shook his head and chuckled at my response. Silence fell in the room again as Marko and I sat staring into each others eyes. I felt my breathing get shallower as everything in me wanted to kiss him. It was almost like Marko read my mind as he started to lean in. I closed my eyes in response as I also leaned into him. Marko's and I's lips lightly touched at first making it a simple sweet kiss, but this awoke something in me. I snaked my arms around Marko's neck and tangled my hands in his hair pulling him closer and deepened the kiss. Marko took this chance to grab my hips and pull me onto his lap. I was now straddling him as we continued to kiss. Marko let a deep moan out as my instincts took over and I moved my hips down against him.

"Are you sure you want to be doing that?" Marko asked breaking the kiss. "Can you handle what is going to follow?"

I didn't say anything just slammed my lips against his again. My hands tangled in his blond curls and lightly tugged on them causing him to groan. I yelped as Marko moved his hands to my ass and squeezed hard. He took this chance to shove his tongue into my mouth. After a few more minutes of making out Marko shifted our position and laid me back on the bed.  He stood up and I went to ask what he was doing, but my question was answered before I could ask as he started to take his clothes off. I watched him with curious eyes as he got completely naked.

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