Chapter 13

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I feel my eyelids slowly start to flutter open as I awake from what could barely be considered sleep. Had I not been sandwiched between the boys I'm sure I would have tossed and turned all day from the anxiety of not knowing what was going on with Sammy. As I became fully awake and aware of my surroundings I see all four boys still sleeping, but all of them had turned over in their sleep, so their backs were now facing me. I was thankful for the fact that Marko and Paul were no longer holding onto my legs as it made it easier to try and get out of bed without waking them. I carefully slide down to the bottom part of the bed careful not to make any noise or harsh movements, so I wouldn't disturb anyone. As my feet quietly hit the cold cave floor I realize I'm still naked from the night before. 

I take a moment to scan the room for clothes to put on and locate my shorts and David's shirt next to each other on the floor. I make my way over to the dresser in the room hoping I would find a bra and underwear, and I thank the stars when I find both at the back of the bottom drawer. I quickly and quietly get my clothes on and find my shoes tucked slightly underneath the bed and put those on as well. I make my way towards the door and look down the hallway and realize that the sun is just setting meaning the boys would be waking up soon. I turn back towards the bed and sigh in relief as I see the boys haven't moved. I exit the room and shut the door quietly behind myself. 

I slowly peek out into the main living room and I'm caught by surprise when I see Star sneaking out of where her and Mikey were sleeping. Star also looks very surprised to see me coming into the room and we just stare at each other as we make our ways across the room. 

"Where are the boys?" Star whispers to me as we meet in the middle of the room. 

"Still sleeping...I couldn't just lay in bed anymore knowing Sammy is somewhere in trouble." I whisper back and then also add. "Is Mikey still sleeping?"

"Yeah I couldn't just lay around anymore either...I have this sense of doom that just won't go away." Star replies as she looks around the cave as if something was just going to jump out at us. 

"Me too honestly, I didn't really sleep at all because of the pit in my stomach about this whole situation." I say as I walk towards the entrance of the cave. "I keep trying to think of who could have Sam and I just can't seem to figure it out, I feel like I know but it just won't come to me." I say still whispering as I look back at Star.

"Well who would know that taking Sam would cause all this panic and hurt?" Star whispers as she comes towards me and it is like the answer just hits me in the face out of no where.

"Edgar and Alan's aunt and uncle would know." I say with slight panic in my voice. "They believed all the stuff that Edgar and Alan did, plus they would have an idea about us because of the time Sam spent with them." I rush through the explanation. 

"You know that makes perfect sense honestly, they would have to know one of us was the reason for Edgar and Alan's disappearances." Star says as she nods her head and has a look of deep thought on her face. "But where would they be keeping him?" Star wonders quietly out loud.

"The comic book shop I bet...They have a huge back room or something, I'm pretty sure I heard Sam and them talking about it one time." I whisper as I start chewing on the nail of one of my thumbs as my panic turns to uneasiness. 

I hear a noise behind me and nearly jump out of my skin when someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I yelp and jump away from the hand as my adrenaline spikes and my panic comes back. I quickly turn around and come face to face with Marko, which settles my mind a little bit as I see him and the others standing behind him. They all have a worried looks on their faces and I can feel their concern through our new found connections. I try to give them a small smile to try and reassure them, but I can tell they see right through it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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