Chapter 2

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I was standing in a towel in my room after being rudely rushed through my shower by my twin brother.

"Come on Victoria! I need to shower too!" Michael yelled through the door. Two minutes after I got in the shower.

I knew there was no point in arguing with him so I had just went as quick as possible and got out. Michael basically threw me out of the way as I opened the bathroom door. And now here I am standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom combing my wet hair. I was trying to be in a good mood for my first night out in this new town, so I decided to let go of what Michael just did and not make a big deal out of it. 

"10 minutes until we are going!" Mom yelled up the stairs. 

I could hear Michael rush out of the bathroom and down the hall, obviously trying to rush to get ready. I could also hear Sam in his room throwing things around, probably trying to find something to wear.  As I finished combing my hair I set my comb on my nightstand and went to my bed where my already picked out outfit was. I had gone with a simple black tank top, acid washed jean shorts, and my black chuck taylors. I slipped on my bar and underwear and the rest of my outfit followed suit. I stood in front of my mirror looking at my outfit now second guessing myself about what I was wearing. I had self esteem issues at times and right now was one of those times.  A sudden knock at my door brought me out of my own head and back to the real world.

"Who is it?" I said at the shut door.

"Are you dressed?" Michael and Sam said in unison from behind my shut bedroom door. 

I sighed out a yes and my door was thrown open to reveal my brothers standing behind it. They walked in and looked at me. I noticed Michael had gone with just a plan reddish color t shirt, jeans, and his normal tennis shoes. While Sam had gone with what I would call a more colorful choice of clothing. A brightly colored patterned collared shirt was hidden underneath a cream colored blazer and was paired with just plain jeans. They were both giving me a weird look. Almost like I had grown an extra head.

"What are you two idiots looking at?" I snapped getting annoyed at the two boys in front of me. 

"You are not wearing that." Michael said shaking his head with Sam quietly agreeing with him.

This one comment gave me the confidence boost I needed to actually wear this outfit and feel good in it.

"Well Michael last time I checked you were not in charge of me so I will wear what I want. " I said putting my hands on my hips.

"No Victoria your boobs and ass are basically hanging out of that outfit." Michael said crossing his arms. 

"Michael we are not having this conversation" I huffed and pushed past my two brothers and went down stairs to see my mom waiting by the front door.

"Mom tell Victoria that she can't wear that outfit out." Michael said running down the stairs behind me.

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