Chapter 5

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I woke up to a pounding in my head and not being able to open my eyes do to the intense sunlight that was in my face. I felt someone next to me start to move and the need to know where I was over powered how bad it hurt to open my eyes. I tried my best to shield my eyes with my hand as I opened them to look around. I somehow ended up back in my room and for some reason Michael was in here with me. I groaned and closed my eyes unable to keep them open anymore. I felt myself drifting back off to sleep when my younger brother threw my door and came rushing in.

"Tori! Michael! Wake up mom's on the phone and wants to talk to one of you." He yelled shoving a phone into my hands.

I couldn't find the strength to talk and silently thanked Michael with a pat to his shoulder when he took the phone. I rolled onto my side as Sammy crawled into the already crowded bed. Sammy rested his head on me as he curled into me and I rested on Michael's chest as he talked with mom.

"No we are up." Michael groaned into the phone.

"Mom me and Tori watch him all the time, can't grandpa do it?" My ears perked up at what my twin had just said, now wishing I had picked up the phone.

"Alright mom I understand, we will stay home." Michael said hanging up the phone.

"Victoria we gotta stay home with Sam tonight." Michael said as he ran his hand over his face.

"If you still want to go out Michael you can, I was planning on staying home anyways." I said opening my eyes to look at him.

"Thanks Tori you are the best." Michael mumbled.

"What did you two do last night?" Sammy questioned and moved so he was sitting at the end of the bed looking at us.

"Don't remember anything after eating." I mumbled as I again tried to shield my eyes from the sun long enough to find the sun glasses that are normally somewhere on my nightstand.

"Neither do I." Michael said moving my body parts that were still on him off and getting out of my bed. "I'm not even sure how I ended up in here instead of my room." He added leaving my room.

"You and Michael both seem off lately." Sam said concern lacing his words. "The guys I meet at the comic shop Edgar and Allan Frog think there are vampires around and said you and Michael might be hanging out with them."

"Sam don't be ridiculous you know vampires don't exist. They are probably just trying to scare you." I say putting the sunglasses I found on and smiling at my little brother.

"I know, but like you never know this place is pretty weird." Sam said not looking at me but at his hands.

"Sam I promise everything is okay." I say trying to reassure him.

"Alright well I'm gonna go to my room for a little bit." Sam said getting up and walking away from me.

I don't say anything as Sam leaves my room and shuts the door behind him. I looked up to the clock on my wall and realized it was five in the afternoon and the sun would be setting soon. Jeez Michael and I really slept all day, but I mean we were out all night. I looked down and became aware that I no longer had a sheet tied around my leg, which I found odd. I turned my leg which no longer had a cut on it, not even a scar. My throat felt tight as I ran my fingers along my leg and also realized that my side no longer hurt. I took my shirt off and tried my best to look at my side, but it didn't take much to see that I was no longer bruised. My mind went immediately to what Michael and I drank. I needed to talk to Michael. I didn't want to leave my room with no shirt and didn't want to be wearing the shorts I was wearing so I decided to change before going to talk to Mickey. I put on a baggy sweatshirt and a pair of my work out shorts. After getting changed I hurried down the hall to Michael's room and knocked when I saw the door closed.

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