Chapter 9

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"No stop that is my brother we aren't here to hurt him." Sammy's hushed voice woke me from my sleep. 

I didn't sit up just opened my eyes and looked around. The sun was still up, so the boys are still sleeping. I felt my heart jump into my throat as I heard the hushed voices of Sammy, Edgar, and Alan. I couldn't make out what was being said anymore due to the rushing of blood in my ears from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. But they could only be here for one reason and that would be to hurt the boys.  I rolled off the couch as quite as possible laying almost flat on the floor and dragging my body towards the entrance of where the boys were sleeping. I don't know what possessed me to do this other then everything in my being knowing I needed to protect my mates from Edgar and Alan. I stopped moving and laid flat hiding behind a small pile of dirt as I heard my younger brother and his friends move towards where I was just laying. 

"Where is your sister? There is no way she isn't here." Edgar's voice questioned. 

"Edgar you are not hurting my sister." Sammy replied.

I sat up slightly to look in the direction of the voices. They were looking down at the couch I was just on and now were quietly bickering between themselves. Their voices were to hushed for me to make out what they were saying, but it didn't matter as I got lost in my own head. I was trying to figure out the quickest way to get over to the secluded area that the boys were at. I knew I couldn't get up and run to where I was trying to get to. Sudden movement caught my eye and brought me out of my head. My brother and his friends were now shoving each other and obviously not paying attention to what was around them. I used this to my advantage and did an awkward crouched run to the entrance of the room where the boys would be. As I got to the entrance I ducked down behind a wooden beam and looked over at my brother and his friends, who thankfully hadn't noticed me but were now making there way towards me.  I quickly slid down the slight hill and landed as quiet as I could. I looked around for the boys and quickly saw they were hanging upside down above my head. 

"Wow..." I quietly said to myself as I looked up in amazement at my sleeping mates.

I wasn't super surprised just confused on why they choose to sleep like that. I guess it was a good defense against some one coming into hurt them, they would have to figure out how to get to them.  Noise and voices from the entrance of the room sent my heart into overdrive again as adrenaline started pumping through me. I needed to hide and I needed to do it now. I quickly put myself behind a large wooden beam and pile of dirt in the darkest part of the room, just behind where the boys were hanging. Even from where I was hidden I had a pretty good view of the room. My little brother and his friends came into view a few seconds after I had hidden myself with weapons drawn. I focused in on them and their movements waiting for the right moment to revile myself.

"How are we gonna get up there?" Alan questioned looking up at my boys in horror. 

"That little one is near a ladder, lets start with him." Edgar said pointing out Marko. 

I felt panic shoot through my whole body causing goosebumps to form on my skin and my breathing to quicken. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Was all I could think at this point. My body and subconscious knew I had to protect them though, even if I couldn't get control of my thoughts. They were defenseless right now, and these assholes that my brother called friends were gonna try and use that to their advantage. A surge of courage flowed through me as I ran for the ladder that Alan was getting ready to climb up.  I moved faster then expected, probably due to being half vampire and I found it hard to control my movements. Alan was barely up the first step of the ladder as I threw my body into the ladder sending him and it to the floor. I was breathing hard and trying to focus, but was struggling with the task. Screaming broke my trance and I looked up and was meet with horrified faces of my little brother and his friends.

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