Chapter 8

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I woke up to someone aggressively shaking my shoulder. I tried to roll over in the bed to get away from the person, but they gripped my shoulder holding me in place. I tried pushing the person's hand off, but to no avail. My heart dropped into my stomach when the person finally spoke.

"Victoria. Get up." My twin's voice rang in my ears.

My eyes shot open and I realized I was still in the back room of the cave, but I was in the bed by myself. I looked down at myself and saw that I was still very much naked. I looked up and made eye contact with Michael who looked livid. I diverted my eyes back down unable to look at him.

"Victoria I understand you are an adult just like me, but you can't just disappear and not tell anyone where you are going." Michael started. "You also look like you have been attacked, next time you should tell whoever did that to take it easy." The last part was said with a slight chuckle.

"How did you know where to find me?" I questioned wrapping myself in the blanket.

"Lucky guess." Michael said. "It will be night soon, the boys will be getting up. I don't know if they told you but we are having dinner with them and their dad tonight." 

"I remember David saying something about it before I fell asleep." I replied quietly.

"Is that who had the pleasure of making my twin not pure anymore?" Michael questioned.

"I'm not having that conversation with you." I groaned not wanting to tell my brother what happened last night. 

"Why did you not enjoy yourself?" Paul's voice asked from the doorway. 

My head snapped up and my eyes were meet by all four boys just standing and staring at me. I felt myself smile as my face heated up, I knew from the heat that it was bright red. I of course had enjoyed every second of last night, but that doesn't mean I want to tell my twin brother about it. I couldn't look at the boys anymore as the silence in the room became awkward. 

"Which one of you did this to my sister?" I heard Michael question and before I could say anything to the boys to not answer him Paul replied.

"Well I went first." Paul chuckled.

Before they could say anything else I launched a pillow across the room at them and I shot them all a glare. 

"I would prefer you not tell my brother about what happened last night." I huffed crossing my arms. 

"Did you let all four of them fuck you?" Michael asked pointing the question at me. 

"Yes." David answered before I could say anything. 

"What the fuck Victoria?" Michael said. 

"Please leave Michael. You just said you understand that I'm an adult." I sigh looking up at him pleading with my eyes for him to drop it and leave.

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