Purple Guy X Phone Guy

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"I think I love you phone guy" purple guy says. "I'm so sorry purple guy, but I think I don't love you" phone guy says. A tear slides down purple guys face. "But..but why?" He asks.

"I just don't love you ok? Goodbye" phone guy says. A giant hawk swooped down and picked phone guy up, flying him off in to the sunset."no!!!" Purple guy screamed.

Just then, Shrek came up behind him and said, "you're going to be fine my love" he whispered into the purple guys ear. "No i won't" purple guy replied as he turned around to face Shrek.

Just then, Shrek leaned in to kiss purple guy. But purple guy punched him in the face. Purple guy ran away crying.

Da End

(Dis made me cri😢)
(I'm making my grammar horrible on purpose😂)

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