Chapter 2: An ever-looming threat

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"Pearl, what are your updates on Sector 4-B of star system 54Z?"

"The planet seems to have a strong concentration of untapped energies, energies alien to gemkind. We've found outdated homeworld structures on the planet, but they seem to be taken over by the organics on earth."

"And why should this concern me, my pearl?"

"W-well, we've found lifeforms unlike anything from the previous archives. Beings that are able to shatter gems! some even found ways to repurpose their bodies for their own gain!"

"How...interesting. What do they call these beings my pearl?"

"Well, while they are of the same species they seem to like to divide themselves between 'human' and 'witch'."

"Yes yes, we know about humans, but what are these 'witches'?"

"We... don't know much about them yet my ethereal and eternal clarity."

"In that case, send a probe team to earth. These 'witches' could mean the difference between forever glory and being lost to the sands of time."

"Of course, consider it done."

"Hail to the stars my Pearl"

"Hail to the stars, star sapphire."

Meanwhile, at the temple...

After the incident the day prior Garnet had set up training for both of the boys. While Michael was left with Pearl to better hone his strength, Garnet took it upon herself to nurture Robert's supernatural gift.

She took him to an open field.

"First, I want you to clear your mind. Do not think of anything right now. Just breathe deeply, and relax." She instructed.

Robert found it difficult at first to clear his mind, but it was done. He pushed any ideas, fears, or thoughts away. He needed a clear mind.

"Is your mind clear?" Garnet asked. Robert nodded. "Good. Keep your deep breathing. Now that your mind is clear, I want you to concentrate on someone, anyone at all. You don't even have to have heard of them." She said.

Robert thought to concentrate on someone he never met. He assumed he would see the life of some random guy in the city, but instead, caught a glimpse of an abandoned garden in the vacuum of space. It looks like it hasn't been cared for in years, maybe even decades. Thick vines dominated the landscape, nature conquoring the territory the gems seemingly left behind.

What threw him most was the fact someone was standing there in the mess, all on their own. A gem? She looked content, as if she's waiting for something. She seemed to be there a long time as well, vines growing over her legs as she stood motionless. Whoever it was, he was sure to make note of it. He went in to get a closer look, but couldn't get there. It was as if a tether held him just out of reach. With that idea turning out to be a bust, he decided to focus on someone else.

Robert concentrated on his mother. He feared for her safety, but feared he would get in trouble if he told her he and his brother left. Frighteningly, all he saw was black, an ever-expanding void that held nothing. He breath began to quicken as he sensed a great evil has taken notice of his presence, only feeling a greater dread as the psychic link was cut between them by a unknown force. Young Robert felt tears come to his eyes as he came back to reality, Garnet being there to catch him as he let out pained sobs. 

"Let's stop for now, we can always come back to this later." Garnet reassured the young boy as he cried. As much as he tried to stop himself from sobbing, he just couldn't. The idea that his mother was now in a void, gone forever, and God knows if his dad is coming back. 

Garnet led the young boy back to the beach house, drying his tears as they walked. "Just let it rest for right now, dwelling on it will only make it more painful." Robert quieted himself down and made sure to hide his face in hopes nobody asks what he saw.

"Please don't tell anyone..." he said, trying not to dwell on anything relating to his possibly dead parents. Garnet didn't respond, and the walk back to the house was silent from then on out. 

Pearl warped Mike back to the beach house as they walked in. "Well, he's durable, that's certain." she sighed. 

"I beat everything you threw at me, you say that like it's a bad thing?" Michael replied. 

"The point was for you to work on your reflexes!" Pearl replied. "Not just barrel through everything like you're at the bowling alley!" 

Mike rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch. Steven and Amethyst noticed Robert's thousand-yard stare. 

"Uhhh...You okay, dude?" She asked. He nodded silently, not changing his expression, sitting down, trying to think of something, anything, other than what he just saw. 

"Rob? It's okay, you can talk to us..." Steven added. "What did you see?" 

Rob tried explaining the space garden, overrun with weeds, withered forget-me-nots and red spider lilies and the person standing there, motionless, yet somehow alive, but couldn't properly articulate what it looked like, stammering over his own words. 

"I- It, She was- just left to die.." Robert stammered out 

"Dude, do you need a minute?" Amethyst put a hand on his shoulder 

"I'm gonna lie down for a moment." Robert said, heading over to the couch.

"Okay, We're here if you need us." Amethyst let out a crooked smile, trying to hide her concern for the young boy. 

"It's starting to get late anyway, I'll ask Emerald to get some blankets for you two." Pearl said, Emerald already leaving the room to get them. 

"Thanks, Pearl." Robert, Steven, and Michael replied. 

"So what was it like training with Pearl?" Steven asked Michael. 

"Basically, she threw these holograms with swords at me. She didn't tell me I had to dodge them, so I just kept beating them with my bare hands. I have a high pain tolerance and tough skin, so this ain't nothing." explained Michael. "Then she gave me this lecture about how I'm supposed to 'dodge and counter' and 'wait for the opportunity to strike,' and I'm just thinking 'Let me stomp their jaw into the mat or don't waste my time!'" 

"Are you sure it didn't hurt?" Amethyst asked. 

"Imagine King Kong going against Lego knights. That's what it was like for me." Mike replied. 

"I'd hate to say it, but Pearl's got a point about you being patient" Amethyst replied. "I saw the whole thing, you had ZERO strategy!"

"Not you, too!" Michael groaned. "Who needs a strategy when you can just smash through everything?"

"I can think of a couple situations" Emerald replied, coming back with the blankets. "You may be strong and durable, but you're not invincible"

Michael muttered something under his breath as he went to sleep with Robert by his side. 

Robert hoped the vision he had wasn't his mother being dead. 



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