Chapter 15: The Demi-god

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The next day was spent helping to clear everything from the beach, Connie and her class helping with the clean up as a "community enrichment opportunity." The kids stayed away from the gems, for the most part, most of them were afraid of the mysterious alien creatures.

Robert and Michael joined in on the effort, mostly to make sure that there wasn't anything or anyone waiting under the mess to jump them.

Lily stayed inside at the request of Pearl and Percy, as he was looking for a new house, a truck, and the adoption center so he could give Lily the family she deserved. It probably wasn't the best idea she goes out, her limb enhancements making her a prime target for harassment, or worse.

Steven sighed as he threw another piece of gem who-knows-what into a trash bag. One down, nine hundred and ninety-nine pieces to go. He turned over a piece and saw a black smear on a heavy piece of the ship. Things only became weirder when it snaked off the piece of wreckage and below the sand, gurgling as it sunk away.

"Spot something?" Connie asked curiously, looking over Steven's shoulder

"I don't know, probably just some weird space thing," Steven replied, not recognizing the goo as a gem or human

"Come on, if we clear the stretch of beach in front of the fry shop they said they would give us something off the menu for free!" Connie took Steven with her, planning on splitting whatever their earned prize was. Steven was happy to oblige, but felt a hint of guilt, believing he might inadvertently endanger her.

Michael had almost no trouble hauling the bigger pieces into the ocean, many being bigger than he was. To be a show-off, he often hauled some with one hand on his phone; he loved the attention. Robert steered clear of anyone else, not wanting to make a fool of himself, embarrassing both himself and anyone he associated with, also making sure not to use his psychic powers, fearing the other kids would be scared of him.

Some of the kids gathered around the spot in the sand where Malachite was dragged down, asking around what they thought it was. Some theorized it was the Kraken. Others believed that a boat slid off the beach, while a few believed it was a beached whale.

Nobody spoke up, not wanting to relive the events of the previous evening. Robert always wanted to go to space, but not like that. Not like this.

The ground shook, scaring Robert and the schoolchildren.

"Okay kids, back on the bus!" One of the teacher's aids shouted, her motioning becoming more frantic as another short quake was felt.

While the other kids practically ran to the bus Connie stayed behind, knowing she could help whatever the threat is.

The ground shook again, with everyone expecting a giant pufferfish or a robot shooty thing to emerge.

Instead, the shaking was accompanied by a piercing howl from deep below, black tendrils bobbing in and out of the icy ocean water.

"I-is it Malachite?" Pearl asked, readying her spear

"No- this seems... different." Garnet held back Pearl, her face unreadable as always.

"Guys?" Connie turned to the boys and Steven, hoping for some form of an answer, only to get another undersea rumble as a reply.

"Let's go!" Amethyst shouted, running towards one of the black tendrils that slammed down on the beach. Mike and Robert charged the beast. Lily hoped she could help, but she knew she would only get disapproving looks from the Gems, the townspeople, or worse, her brothers.

The boys got to work slicing the tendrils as they began to trudge onto the beach. They seemed to regrow each time they sliced, dipping back into the water as another pained cry was heard through large air bubbles that rushed to the churning surface. Following that, a turquoise hand jutted from the waves only to be swallowed by black tendrils

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