Chapter 7- Painite Ring Murder

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Putting on some gloves, Mr Harvey looked at the diamond in Caiden's hands as he was about to touch it, but, he stopped himself. No one has ever touched the gem with gloves. What if it's really not just the physical contact?

" It has to be physical contact. " Mr Huxley nodded at him, assuringly.
" Well, I'd be damned if it's not. " Harvey sighed as reached out but seemed to have stopped himself once again as he heard the child.

" What do you think you're doing? Touching something that's mine. " He almost spoke in a whisper, but loud enough for them to hear. His voice carried a... significant amount of intimidation for a ten year old.

" Look kid, it's a very dangerous thing. It's not yours. It's your fathers and now if you would allow me, I have to know more about this gem so let me- "
"No. it's not dad's, it's mine. The gem knows that, that's why I'm not turning into some crazy zombies like that. " He interrupted defensively.
" Hey! What's with that tone, huh?! Give it to Harvey right now! " Cecil frowned at him
" Ugh... You just never... ever take my side, do you? "
"Caiden..." Mr Huxley sighed.

Caiden stared at the gem on his hands. He's not sure if it's good, or bad, but the object treated him with special care. That's all that matters to him. Although, he's also very well aware that he can't stand against two men double his age and strength.
Caiden pushed the gem against Harvey and walked off without saying anything.
Harvey who was startled, took a step back and dropped the gem. He sighed. Wearing gloves does work...
Harvey picked up the gem and looked closely.

A sigh of relief swept through the air as everyone saw that Harvey was well and careful.
So, it only works with psychical contact huh? Harvey thought to him. He glanced at Cecil before getting up and placing the gem on a desk. He kept his eyes fixed on the gem as he parted his mouth to speak.

" Let's say we found another immune person... Wouldn't it be smart if we experimented on them? "
" Experiment...? What do you mean? What kind? "
" I don't know, it's mainly to find out why they are immune. "
" ... Depends on what kind of experiment it is ,Harvey " Mr Huxley narrowed his eyes looking at him.
" R-Right... Ahem. " He cleared his throat " I'll get going early today, I've many things to reserch and study about this diamond. "
" Right, take your leave "

With a nod of farewell, he walked off to placed the gem inside a breifcase and made his way to his car. Cecil sighed thinking about what Harvey just said. Harvey... your eyes shined the way that concerns me.
Cecil sighed heavily. Everything that happened today day felt like a complete fever dream.
He looked over at his car to see that Caiden had already gotten inside, with an irritated face that carried anger, yet disappointment.

Cecil opened the door and took seat in the driver's side. He buckled his belt and looked at Caiden's reflection in the rear view mirror, who avoided his father's presence by fixing his gaze elsewhere outside the window.

" Caiden. What's with you? " He asked quietly.
" Why don't you ever side with me, dad? " Caiden spoke, still keeping his gaze away.
" You know it's not like that, this isn't about us, it's about the danger that the gem can hold— "
" If you were so aware that it is dangerous, you wouldn't have given it to Harvey. "
" Why not? What's wrong with Harvey? He's a good researcher. "
" Or that's what you say to convince yourself, dad. "
" Caiden! "
" We both know very well, that Harvey isn't a trustworthy person. "
" ...What does any of this have to do with siding with you? "
" Because of you, the gem is with him... When I mean by that, the danger isn't the gem. It's Harvey. "
" Caiden, you have no idea what you're talking about. "
Caiden scoffed slightly, " Yeah, right. "
Cecil stared at him with a frown. The way his child talked to him, behaved to him, caught him so off guard. He had never done this before. Is this... really Caiden?

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