Chapter 10- Painite

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A month has passed by ever since that incident occurred.

Currently, William, James and the others and paying 20 years penalty in prison, with not only a promise that Harvey will bail them out when he discovers the truth and legitimate evidence, but also with a great amount of cash to recompensate them.

The Huxgravite Industries company publicly took a break, however, the team are still investigating on the secret project.

Olivia Inferno's burial took place on March 30th, 4pm. Nikos Inferno has awakened from his break, but he is now on the search with the detective agency in finding the murderer who killed his wife.

Emrys dropped out of school, he is now being homeschooled due to his father's strict and protective orders.

And lastly.

Carla Huxley is pregnant. Discovered today, April 7th, right this moment, 9 am.

Carla stared at the pregnancy test in her hands, on which two lines slowly appeared, taking it's dear time. Not knowing how to take the news in, she simply stared at it while tapping her feet to the ground nervously. Neither Carla, nor Cecil was in a situation where they could afford to raise another child. But nonetheless, Carla couldn't disagree that she did feel her heart lighten up upon hearing the news that a new family member was waiting for them.

On the other hand, begun Cecil's worst nightmare.

April 7th, seems like an any normal day but unknowingly, it was also the day the devil decided to open the gates of hell.

It has been three weeks since I've seen the gem. It's still with Harvey. Sometimes I call and ask him if there's anything wrong but he says everything's fine with that same pliant voice. I won't lie, but the more the days pass, the more I started loosing my trust and faith in Harvey. Something about him is suspicious, off. He wouldn't let me take part in his investigation, or even let me see the gem.

Somehow I convinced William and the others to take blame for the murders. I remember calling myself the Satan for making them do such thing during their lowest. Ever since that, these days, I can't focus on anything. I can't stay still without looking at my door, expecting the cops to walk in any second and wrap the handcuffs over my wrist. When that happens, I wonder what I'd have to tell Carla, and my son, Caiden, for them to not look at me like a criminal, a murderer.

That's why, if I'm going down, I need to take the gem with me. I've been researching on how to destroy it. If we destroy it, the curse will be broken, right? Yea.. that's what my main focus is on.

"What if I accidentally touch the gem?", "What if anyone else does?" These thoughts... have been haunting me ever since. That's why I'm writing a letter. A letter to Nikos Inferno in case if everything goes wrong.

" If I die because of this gem,
I want you and your company to be the one who secures this gem far away from everyone

And I need you to destroy it.

I'm leaving my complete faith in you, Nikos.


Cecil Huxley"

Cecil wrote the last words on his letter. He placed the letter inside one of his drawers and locked it with his key.

He had a meeting to attend in his company, to discuss about the unknown mining site. He expected to see Harvey there, and today will be the day he demands the man to show him the gem, no matter what.

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