Chapter 11: Harvey Hendrix

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"Ha... wow... should I take this as a backstab... Mr Cecil Huxley..?"
"Let's talk, Cecil"

Harvey sat down on the couch and crossed his legs. He let out a sigh as he exchanged his glance to the briefcase in Mr Huxley's hand. Huxley slowly walked up to him and stood in front of him. He did not bother taking a seat down.

"Harvey, would you please bother explaining?" Mr Huxley lowered his eyes to meet the other.
"You saw the news huh?"

"Hey... you didn't do that.. right?"
"Cecil, look, I can explain... but before that, hand over the briefcase"
"No way... not till you explain what the hell is going on, Harvey!" Mr Huxley took a step back, his hand still shaking slightly. "Tell me everything right now" he continued with a glare.
"Cecil... urgh.. fuck it"

Harvey stood up and walked closer to the other. He placed his hand on his mate's shoulder and looked him the eyes.

"Cecil.. I was just trying to learn more about the gem"
"As I've said, I need an immune person for further investigation... but the only one we know right now is your son, Caiden. When I asked you if you could hand him over for investigation, you refused... so.. I-I.. had to find... another immune... person"
"H-Harvey... so you-"
"So I started letting people touch the gem... to fortunately find another immune person who doesn't end up killing their loved ones. I even met people who never had any loved ones...! Even they got possessed but they didn't kill anyone... they are just possessed... the possession isn't leaving them. It's been days. Caiden... he's different"

His eyes widened as he immediately backed off from Harvey. His eyes showed pure terror and devastation. His eyes teared up as his heart started beating loudly against his chest.

"Wh-a.. what... d-did..."

He couldn't even finish his sentence.

"Cecil, please it's not that serious I really can handle everything-"
"You... started a.. mass murder..."
"You forced.. people to k-kill.. their loved ones.."
"Just so you could fill up your fucking satisfaction by gaining knowledge of the gem."

Mr Huxley dropped the briefcase to the ground without no care. Harvey glared at Huxley as he thought it would affect the gem. He reached out to take the briefcase but he was stopped by Huxley's wrist on his arm. The grip was hard, very hard. Harvey looked up to the other's teary eyes. A few drops of tears dropped down to the ground as he whimpered quietly.

"H-How could you do this to me?" He gasped for air before continuing "I trusted you with my life"
"Cecil, give me the damn gem back"
"Ha... haha, how fucking ironic" he cursed under his breath, wiping his tears away with a bitter chuckle.

Mr Huxley, or should I say Cecil? He tightened his grip on the others arm and pushed it away harshly. He kicked the briefcase away knowing damn well how the gem won't break, moreover, he didn't care at this point.

"I'm so scared of you right now, Harvey." He started walking closer to him, one by one step as he spoke each words out loudly. "Everyone's gonna find out how my life long friend started a mass murder behind the CEO's back. How he killed other's precious ones, heartlessly"
"Stop it! You know I'm not the one who fucking killed them!!" He glared menacingly as he shouted at Mr Huxley.
"How could you still have the audacity to deny that fact, you murderer"
"I. Have. No. Blood. On. My. Hands."
"So you forced others to get blood on their hands? How does that make you any less of a murderer?"
"C-Cecil stop it, please"

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