Chapter 26

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"Stupid Peter! Stupid!" My thoughts boom in my head as I toss and turn trying to get any sleep I can. "He didn't ask so why did you have to open your big fat mouth and tell him?!" The thoughts won't quiet, they won't subside, and at worst? I can't sleep because of them. It's almost 3am, hours after I told dad that I like Loki. I don't even know why I told him, I'm mad at myself for telling him. "He's going to kill him." I whisper to myself in a saddened voice. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have said anything. Dad is obviously going to disaprove.

I sigh and sit up in my bed, letting my blanket fall to my waist. It's no use getting upset about this when it happened hours ago and there's no taking it back. I decide that there's no way i'm getting sleep tonight so I get out of bed, put my slippers on, and leave my spiderman decked out bedroom and head for the kitchen/lounge. The halls are empty and the building is silent, which is surprising speaking this group of heroes never seems to stop arguing or fooling around. It feels awkward walking through the silent, empty halls. Like they almost give off an eerie feeling. The halls are also dark, I can barely see 5 feet in front of me making me hyper-aware of everything around me. So I guess that means my fear of the dark never went away, thanks pubescent stages of life for helping me out I guess.

I make it into the lounge and ask Friday to turn on the lights which she reluctantly does. She asks what im doing up so late to which I reply "I dont want to talk about it Fri." She let's it go and goes quiet, leaving me alone once more. I go to the fridge and grab the chocolate milk and grab a cup from the cabinet closest to me. I set both the cup and the gallon of milk on the counter and go to the pantry to get a moon pie for a snack. After grabbing it I go back to the counter and pour the milk into the cup.

"There is no way everyone is asleep." I think to myself as I go to put the milk back in the fridge. I know this team, I know Dad never sleeps and is almost always in the lab, Pops is usually up this early working out before the sun comes up... especially recently, he's been "needing to get his anger out." as Dad puts it.

"What are you doing up?" I hear a voice from behind. The voice startles me out of my thoughts and I quickly close the fridge and turn around. It's Loki in their enby form.

"Oh... hey Lokes." I smile, "Just couldn't sleep is all."

I grab my glass of chocolate milk and the moon pie and go to sit at the island where Loki sits right next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" They ask, not prying but in a concerned voice.

I ponder on the question for a moment, deciding on whether or not I want to tell them. Then, after about 2 minutes, I answer. "I told my dad something I probably shouldn't have, and I think he's mad at me about it."

They look at me with a confused but willing expression. An expression that wants me to go on but I don't. I'm not ready to tell them. Not yet. It's definitely too soon for me to express my feelings for them to them. So I stay quiet, letting them process my answer.

"Knowing your dad Pete, he loves you more than anything in this world and will protect you through anything. He can't stay mad forever." They reply and give a reassuring smile.

I chug the rest of my chocolate milk, trying not to pay attention to their gorgeous smile, fully knowing that if I look at their features for too long I'll be more red than a tomato.

"Don't drink that too fast spidey, don't want the hiccups." They chuckle a little at their own joke and stand up from their stool. "I'm heading back to bed, you should too." They say walking by, as they walk by they brush their hand along my back and shoulders. Making my face go red and butterflies do flips in my stomach. They leave the room in a bright green mist, one second there the next not. Then the room is silent once more.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. "I need more sleep."

788 words

Published: March 28th 2022

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