Muichiro X Tanjiro

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Muichiro watches as the burgundy boy happily talked with Giyuu, his eyes intensely piercing into Tomioka's back. It's not that he was jealous or something. Tanjiro's just been spending more time with the ponytail boy. It annoyed him how Tomioka got all his attention. Muichiro tempted to barge in and interrupt whatever conversation they were having and drag Tanjiro to his house so he could steal all of his time. Muichiro was his boyfriend dammit, he should be paying all his attention to him. Not Giyuu!!

Okay, maybe he is a tinsy bit jealous.

Muichiro let out a sigh and stopped walking.
Stupid, I sound an awful lot like that one child sulking because its parents' spending more time with the child's sibling and now less time with the child itself. Damn, favoritism.

He glanced over to the two, his intense glare not once leaving Tomioka's back. He watched as Tanjiro let out adorable giggles, seeming to be laughing at whatever the boy beside him was saying.
He wanted to be the reason for those cute giggles.
Muichiro watched Tanjiro put a strand of hair, that was about to fall on Giyuu's face, behind Tomioka's ear.

Okay. That's the last straw.

Muichiro hissed and began walking hastily towards the two, a vein popping on his face.

He grabbed the burgundy boy's hand and carried him. The burgundy boy yelped, surprised by his actions. Muichiro began stomping his feet towards his house, making sure to not let his captured prey escape.

"E-Eh?! Muichiro-san?! Wait! Wh-What are you doing!?"

The burgundy boy sighed, as he got no reply from his somewhat in raged boyfriend.

He looked back at the stunned Giyuu, who stood there, completely confused at what's happening. "Gomen, Giyuu-san! I'll be going home with Muichiro-san, for today! You can go home too, if you want!" Tanjiro waved his hands, smiling at Tomioka.


"U-Uhm.. Muichiro-sa-"

Muichiro slammed his body onto Tanjiro, causing the both of them to fall down the floor with a thud. He attached his lips with the boy below. Tanjiro, surprised at his boyfriend's actions, flushed tomato red.

Wh-What's with Muichiro-san?

" Mmm! "

Tanjiro, tried with all his strength to push Muichiro away, but failed. Instead, his arms were slammed down above his head. Having no way of escaping, he complied and went with it, dancing his soft lips along with Muichiro's cherry ones.

Sooner, he stopped. Muichiro looked at Tanjiro, then, stuffing his face into the burgundy boy's chest, inhaling the scent he missed for days.


Tanjiro went redder and let out an amused chuckle. He still didn't know what was the reason for his boyfriend acting like this, but he let it slide. It was cute.

He pat Muichiro's head, sliding his fingers through Muichiro's long hair.

"Ehm... Yours...... -?"

-(i've completely utterly run out of ideas. Health. Me. Why. Am. I. Like. This.)

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