Gyutaro X Tanjiro (2)

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"Oh... so, a new student eh?"

"Is it a girl?"

".... It's a boy.."

"What's he like?"

Daki looked at her older brother, quirking an eyebrow in wonder as she sees Gyutaro subconsciously putting on a small smile. "He's very friendly... and cute. He always puts on a smile everywhere he goes. He kind of gives off the happy vibes at any place and time. He's also-"

Gyutaro stops blabbering when he sees Daki smirking at him. Gyutaro raised his eyebrow in confusion. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Daki repeatedly tapped her finger on her chin, humming while doing so.
"You seem to like the guy."


Gyutaro then flushed pink at his sister's statement. He nearly choked on his food before he grabbed a water bottle and drank it all down in a flash. He slowly breathed and looked at Daki, wanting to just leave this conversation at that, seeing his younger sister's wide grin.

"Ohhh.. so you do like him~" the younger teased, getting closer to her brother and nudged him with her elbow.

"W-What?! Like him?! I barely even know Tanjiro. I literally just met him like... hours ago. A-and even if I do like him, there's no guarantee that he feels the same thing I feel towards him." Gyutaro waved his hands like crazy, in denial of what his sister had said.

Daki got near Gyutaro's face, a teasing smirk making its way up to her face. "So you do admit that you like this Tanjiro of yours."

"Wh-What?! N-No, I mean ye- but no. That's ridiculous. Did you even hear me?! I just met him. Wh-Who in the right mind would ever l-like someone they just met, romantically?"

Daki sighs, staring at her brother with disappointing eyes. Seriously, he was too obvious.

She stood up and pat Gyutaro's shoulder.
" Nii-chan, you can't fool me. I'm not even sure if you really are trying your best to hide and deny those feelings. It's obvious. And I didn't even mention anything about you liking this Tanjiro romantically."

Well, fuck. She got him.

The bell rang, disrupting their conversation. Gyutaro mentally sighed in relief.

Saved by the bell

" Welp. I gotta go now. See you later nii-chan. "

Daki walked towards the door and opened it. She halted in her steps and looked back at her brother, smiling. "Just remember that I'm rooting for you." she formed her hand into a fist and pumped it in the air before finally continuing her steps and closed the door, heading to her own classroom.

Gyutaro sighed, shaking his head, a gentle smile forming onto his face.
He really was glad that he had a sibling like Daki.

But then his thoughts wandered off to what his sister said.

No. I don't like Tanjiro. There's no way. I only met him and... Daki is the only person I need in my life. And even if I do like him, he'd never like me, who looks like complete utter shit.

I only need Daki. Daki is the only one I need. Daki's the only one who can ever make me feel..... happy. I only need one person.


Or do I?

Gyutaro sighed and shrugged the thoughts off. It was bothersome. He shouldn't be thinking of dumb things like this. If he doesn't hurry up, he'll be late, though he probably already is.

Gyutaro picked up his bento and decided to also head to class.

On his way, he saw Tanjiro walking alone, carrying a lunchbox. It surprised him a bit. He expected Tanjiro  to be swarmed with a bunch of students considering how much they liked him when he first came and introduced himself to the whole class.

Tanjiro stopped in his tracks, spotting Gyutaro heading back to class.
He smiled and waved his hand around the air.

He walked towards Gyutaro, with the blinding smile he always wore. "Hi! umm-?"


"Oh. Then, Gyutaro-san, are you heading back to class? If so, can I go with you? I still can't remember the routes to some classrooms and I keep getting lost at times. "

Gyutaro somehow managed to not flush pink infront of Tanjiro. "O-Oh. Uhm. Sure."

Tanjiro's smile brightened. "Great!"

They continued their journey to their classroom. Shockingly, Tanjiro had the same classes as Gyutaro so they didn't have to part ways.

"We need to hurry up or we'll be late!"

"We probably already are late..."

An awkward silence fills the two. Tanjiro opens his mouth to ask a question but unfortunately they already arrived at their destination.

"Later, let's go home together, Gyutaro-san!" Tanjiro chirped before walking off to his own seat, the smile he kept wearing still apparent.

"Uhm. Okay, I guess??.."

Gyutaro also walked off to his own seat, which was basically just beside Tanjiro. He ignored all the weird looks and death stares his classmates gave him and opened his notebook scribbling a bunch of nonsense in it.

Luckily enough, the teacher was yet to arrive, so Gyutaro and Tanjiro were safe.

Gyutaro smiled, feeling excited for later.

-(am i making gyutaro too soft? lmao.

Halatang tinatamad na dn akong mgsulat. Sensya na. )

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