Chapter 26: Happy Now?

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The Song sung in this chapter is Happy Now? By FINNEAS. Play it when told pleaseeeee

This is a bit of a filler chapter before shit gets real again

Enjoy x

Ant: What you doing today?

Dec: Working :(

Ant: Same :(


Ant: You busy tonight?

Dec: Depends...

Ant: Wanna come over mine?

Dec: What's in it for me? ;)

Ant: I'll get takeaway?

Dec: Say no more.

Ant: Where you working? I can pick you up when you're done

Dec: ITV studios funnily enough

Ant: Really? What a coincidence, me too.

Dec: Quickie in the toilets? ;P

Dec jumped when after only a second since pressing send, there was a choked laugh behind him. Turning quickly in his seat to see, the Geordie Celebrity set eyes upon the newest addition to the board room.

It was Ant, with an amused smirk on his lips. The tall, dark haired presenter moved up behind Declan to place a friendly hand on his shoulder, "You dirty Declan."

The singers cheeks bloomed a luscious red tint and he sank in his seat in embarrassment, suddenly not feeling so cocky and confident. Thankfully Stephen and Anne-Marie were the only people in the room and both looked as puzzled as the other.

"Heyyyya... Ant!... uh...What are youse doin' here?"

"Simon called me in for a meeting. What are you doing here?"

"Same. Did he tell you what it's about?"

"No... you?"


Ant took his seat opposite Dec by the head of the large oval table and smiled at how the older Geordie still couldn't quite meet his eye. All confident over text but still the sweet, shy man in person. Ant temporarily became distracted when thanking the hostess as she placed down a complimentary bottle of spring water and offered tea with biscuits before resuming his study of the man opposite him.

As men and women began entering the board room, Ant couldn't help think their little text conversation had really thrown Declan off his game. He was a blushing and stuttering mess.

Before anyone could get seated, Anthony leaned forward in his chair and reached across the table to get the smaller man's attention.



"You're here to do business, focus on that."

Sucking in a strong breath to compose himself, Dec sat a little taller with a firm nod.

Stevie watched the interaction with a sad smile before handing Dec the meeting notes he'd just been given. "Have a read of that, this isn't going to be your average meeting."

Simultaneously, Ant began flicking through the agenda Anne-Marie placed in front of him and as soon as he'd scanned the initial proposal his eyes shot up to Dec, meeting the wide green ones halfway.

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