Chapter 3: Tired of Love

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First song Dec Performs is 'Two Ghosts' by Harry styles ... 2nd is 'I'm so tired...' (the stripped version! Added above) by Lauv

Please don't play the original because the lyrics are different and the song loses emotion :(

It was only just coming up to 18:00 when Ant finally reached the Fallen Bar. He was hesitant about going in, from the out side he could already hear it was busy- he could already hear the music too.

He pulled his cap further over his eyes and paced outside the door for a minute, the Presenter's car was parked around the side. If he wanted to, if he had any sense of self-preservation, Ant would leave. But he'd never been one to make life easy for himself, and he'd never been good at resisting temptation.

With a frustrated groan the Geordie stuffed his hands into his pockets and stepped warily into the bar. It was full of what's seemed like quite a friendly crowd, so Ant made himself comfortable on an empty bar stool, his head still down despite being right at the back of the venue but still kept a clear view of the stage. 

The dark haired man's eyes wandered about the room and could already feel the excitement buzzing through every corner but the mood was still somber from the mellow instrumental that flowed through the crowd. Like a beacon, Ant's eyes instantly settled on Declan's back, stood on the stage chatting lightly to a guy with an electric guitar.

The smaller man showed him a couple of notes on his acoustic while sliding his fingers down the fret board and the player would copy making a sweet melodious guitar solo ring out through the room.

Declan shook the man's hand and stepped back out to centre stage to speak into the mic while adjusting the sound piece in his ear.

"Hello everyone, how are you?" He asked lightly and the response was electric making the Geordie giggle sweetly. Ant smiled, just loving the way the smaller man could warm up an entire room with just a smile. Dec was a natural in front of a crowd, he thrived off it and as a performer, Ant admired that quality greatly.

"I love you!" Some girl shouted and Ant smirked into his glass of water.

"Aw that's very sweet of you." Dec smiled shyly looking over to a hen party of slightly tipsy women, "Thankyou I love you too."

He turned back to the crowd and tuned his guitar while talking, "So I'd um... I'd actually like to play you all a song if that's alright. I finished the lyrics in the back of my car about an hour ago so I apologise if it sucks. I've never performed it before so be patient with me. It's called 'Two Ghosts'."

Dec took a breath and turned to the drummer, they nodded at each other and the singer began to count, "One, Two, Three."

The sound of drums filled the room and Declan joined in quickly with his guitar while the electric guitarist followed quickly with the melody he'd just learnt.

"Same lips red, same eyes blue
Same white shirt, couple more tattoos
But it's not you and it's not me
Tastes so sweet, looks so real
Sounds like something that I used to feel
But I can't touch what I see

We're not who we used to be
We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me

Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

Dec grinned at the audience and melted into the feeling of performing, he could see the smiles on the crowds faces, that's all he ever needed. Ant on the other hand was struggling, this was too real and the lyrics... they were too final.

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