Chapter 30: All Good Things [M]

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A New Years Eve Present ❤️👑 This is especially dedicated to anyone spending New Year's Eve alone this year, please curl up to this lil rollercoaster I've written for ya'll🥰

.... sorry it took so long 😅

Since missing their flight back to London, Ant and Dec had become extremely comfortable hauled up in their hotel room, hiding from the general public. At noon they'd woken up apart, side by side on the bed and whilst half asleep, they shuffled back into each others arms.

Declan's instinct was to get his head comfortably pillowed on Ant's chest, whilst Ant's favourite way to cuddle involved slotting his leg between Dec's and pushing a hand into his fluffy brown hair. Both boys hummed and nuzzled into the other's warmth, eyes still closed but not tired, simply content stay in each others arms that way.

They stayed like that for another hour or so. Occasionally, Declan would shift to find a new comfy spot and Ant would reciprocate the movement to find the most optimum cuddle position.

As the Morning shifted to noon, Dec was laying on his front, with Ants body draped across his back like a blanket. Their lazy day could have lasted hours more but Declan started to feel hot under the giant mass covering him.

"Anth..." Dec mumbled, wriggling a bit, "'m getting a bit sweaty like."

The presenter huffed at having to release his boyfriend but complied.

Immediately after feeling the weight lift off him, Declan turned; chucked the duvet covers off; wrapped his arm and leg over Ant's front; rested his head on his shoulder and pressed a loving kiss to the younger man's stubbled cheek.

"Thought youse were too hot?"

"Uhm not too hot for cuddles. Just too hot to be squished like a pancake." Dec mumbled, nose nuzzling into his neck.

"Cutest pancake ever." Ant beamed widely and kissed the smaller man's head before reluctantly stretching over to check who was constantly making his phone buzz.

"Anne-Marie's been messaging me. Needs to know when I'll be back in London."

"Aye Stevie was nagging me too... hopefully he's given up by now though."

"Given up on you perhaps but not us, I've got 11 missed calls."

Dec snickered and leaned up, pressing his lips to Ant's jaw line, his small hand sliding down his boyfriends haired chest to his stomach, whispering noncommittally, "I don't wanna leave this hotel room."

"Then let's not..." Ant murmured against Dec's temple thoughtfully, "I could extend this booking for another day... maybe two. We could just hide away..."

The singer released a longing sigh when the reality began to set in, "that sounds dreamy. Sadly it's probably not the right time... and I have a record company to run."

Whilst his heart screamed at him to climb back into the arms of his lover, Dec's body was already sitting up, "it was nice to have the past day off but It wouldn't be fair on my team to leave them any longer. Especially with this Jason stuff hanging over us."

Ant understood everything the smaller geordie was saying, but he still sunk back into the pillows with a childish huff, "feels weird to not be the breadwinner anymore."

That made Dec laugh, since needing Ants money was such a foreign concept to him now. "You do make the prettiest trophy wife." He teased, pecking Ant's nose and enjoying the sound of his mirthful laugh before getting. Can to business. "I'm gonna take a shower, you deal with Stevie hm?"

"Yes, Sir." Ant mock batted his eyelashes and received a playful whack with a pillow from Dec who made the expensive China ornaments wobble precariously as he jumped out of bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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